Saint Germain

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Saint Germain

Saint Germain is very common in Georgia. It is grown commercially in the horticultural districts of Karthalinia, South-Ossetia, Akhaltzikh, Lagodekhi. In Wesern Georgia it is represented by single trees, with the exception of Abkhasia, where it is grown commercially.

In new plantations it is allowed at the rate of 5-10%.

Fruit elongated, ovate or.pyriform size, of medium size, suffering from Lasplyresia pomonella and scab but moderately.

Skin thin, at harvest maturity pale green, at using maturity of a yellowish green colour, covered with ashy-gray dots and sometimes with spots of russet near the calix, delicately blushed on the sunny side.

Flower of Saint Germain

Flesh greenish white, tender, very juicy, melting, sweetish-acid, pleasant in flavour. In excessively humid regions fruit become watery and keep poorly.

The Saint Germain pears are excellent for canning.

Tree grows well when young, is hardy, unrequisitive to environment, succeds equally well on vigorous and weak stocks; blooming midseason, flowers self-sterile, with Esperen’s Bergamotte and Passe Crassane as good pollinators; bearing early, fruiting heavy.

Fruits ripen for harvest at the end of September; keep till December.

Saint Germain thrives well in the environment of Eastern Georgia and is esteemed as a largely commercial sort.


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