Reinette Simirenko

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Reinette Simirenko

The origin of Reinette Simirenko remains unknown, as stated by the originator himself in his substantial work „Crimean Commercial Fruit growing“.

From Crimea Reinette Simirenko was imported in the European fruit growing regions, in some of which it took a place among the leading commercial sorts.

In Georgia, it was introduced from Crimea together with other fruits but has not gained any wide distribution here.

As a pomological rarity single trees of Reinette Simirenko can be found in old plantations. The tree grows rather vigorously with a wide pyramidal top, bears early produces abundantly and regularly, being not much requisitive to environment.

When the tree is mature, it is rather cold resistant, while during the younger age it often suffers from winter frosts.

Blooming mid-season.

Fruit medium in size, high-topped, sometimes rounded, seldom unsymmetrical; not much subjected to scab.

Keeping qualities good, fruits keep till Spring without breaking.

Thin skin, pale-green, when fully ripe tinted yellowish, blushed on the sunny side. Flesh, white, juicy, sweetish acid, good in flavor, with a pleansant aroma.

According to the qualities of its fruit Reinette Simirenko belongs to the group of valuable commercial sorts of winter apples.


საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასი = Атлас культурной флоры Грузии = Atlas for the cultivated Flora of Georgia / ნ. ხომეზურიშვილი და ელ. ერისთავი ; საქართველოს სსრ მიწსახკომი. ლ.პ. ბერიას სახელ. სას.-სამ. ინსტიტუტი. - თბილისი : ტექნიკა და შრომა, 1939-1951. - 30 სმ[MFN: 51572] თემატიკა: - საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასები; ტ. 2 : საქართველოს სამრეწველო ხილის ჯიშები = Промышленные сорта плодов Грузии = Varietes of commercial Georgian Fruits. - 1941. - 217, LIV გვ. : ილ., 71 ჩართ. ფურც. ფერ. ილ.. - დამატებითი თავფურცელი რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - ტექსტი ქართულ, რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - 73მ., ყდა 7მ., 2500ც.[MFN: 52879] UDC: 634.1/7:631.526.32 თემატიკა: - ხილის ჯიშები საქართველოში;

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