Josephine of Malines

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Josephine of Malines

The pear Josephine of Malines is not very common in Georgia. This sort can be met in several regions in the quality of a pomological rarity. In Karthli its trees are planted in admixture to other sorts.

The fruit

The fruitis of medium size or small, pyriform, wide at the base, often unsymmetrical. Skin is very thin, at harvest maturity lustrous, when fully ripe acquires a yellow or golden tint, slightly blushed, covered with spots of russet and gray dots. Flesh is very juicy, sweetish acid, pleasant in flavour. The fruits ripen for use in November-January, when timely picked they are kept till March.

The tree

The tree is not of a vigorous growth, but healthy and harpy; bearing late; does not stand pruning; roots set on short twigs, do not easily drop; blooming early; flowers self-sterile, Josephine of Malines is resistant to fungus diseases, succeeds well on dwarf stock and is suitable for shaping.

In regard of its valuable economical peculiarities the pear Josephine of Malines is esteemed as a commercial sort for the horticultural districts of Eastern Georgia.


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