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გადასვლა: ნავიგაცია, ძიება

Gorula – is indigenous vine variety with white grapes from Kartli. Farmy point of view it belongs to group of high qualitative table grapes. Confirmation of this is: external beauty of bunch, size, shape, color of seed, largeness, fleshiness and very good taste, also good ability of storing, transportability, strength of vine and abundant productivity. With its features mentioned variety justifiable takes honorable place among indigenous vine varieties spread in Georgia.

Kanduralovi, V. Geevsi and G. Shareri mentioned in their works name „Goruli“. Professor Cholokhashvili used in his works name Gldanura and Gorula as synonym. Docent N. Chakhnaashvili used Gorula as main name and Gldanura as synonym in monograph which was published in union apelography.

In Gori region there is spread two varieties of Gorula: Gorula green (Wine) and Gorula (Table). In order to differ this two varieties population of region calls first Green Vine and second Gorula. In tblisi and its suburb area its is known as Table Gorula and in viticulture zone of village Gldani it is known as Gldanura.

Written materials about Gorula origin in Georgia doesn’t exist. Variety name Grula, also botanical-biological features of vine indicates that it has typical Georgian origin and with its features belongs to endemic vine group of Kartli. Confirmation of this is its morphological-biological features especially- strength of vine growth. Quite good ability of scrambling (It is mainly used as lane in regions of Kartli) and late ripeness of grape, which is characteristic to indigenous vine varieties spread in Kartli, location of vegetation peaces in space, shape of leaves, variety of flower, shape of pistol, number of stamens in flower (5 and more), also seed consistence and shape of seed(color, shape). We deeply believe that this variety was originated as a result of natural selection, which experienced evolution during many centuries. And later as a result of human intervention in its plantation developed better generation with signs characteristic to table grape and its was spread in the territory of Kartli as independent variety. Gorula is aborigine variety and confirmation of this is result of its names linguistic analysis. Academician Iv Javakhishvili in his economic history of Georgia says that one of the main feature which confirms that it is indigenous variety its name which indicates its origin and because of this consideration he belongs Gorula to vine group of Kartli.

Before the spread of fungal diseases and pheloxera Gorula was spread mainly in the territory if Kartli, especially: in regions of Qareli, Gori, Kaspi, Mtskheta, Dushei, Znauri and Tbilisi. Vines were formatted on lowlands based on stakes and as low lanes. Lanes were mainly spread on personal plots for decoration and for making shade of yards, also in gardens of Tbilisi and its suburb zone (Ortachala, Didube, Veris bagebi, Dighomi, Avchala, Gldani). In viticulture zone of Gldani presently do we see Gorula vines of 100 years as lanes, which growth-development and harvest despite its age is quite satisfying.

After the spread of fungal diseases and phylloxera its plantation was significantly reduced. From old plantations Gorula is mainly remained in gardens of Tbilisi and its suburb (Dighomi, Avchala) and on lowlands as admixture is spread in regions of Gori, Kaspi and Mstkheta.

According to the description of vineyards of 1953 distribution area of Goruli was defined by Kartli and territory of South Ossetia. In mentioned area total area of this variety in 1953 reached 96,09 hectares, which was distributed like this: in Gori region- 80,12 hectares , in Tbisili- 14,05 hectares, in marneuli- 1,78 hectares , in Dusheti- 0,3 hectares and in Leningori – 0,11 hectares.

As unit roots on lowlands, Gorula is cultivated in experimental basis Telavi experimental station and in Vazisubani (Uriatubani), in educational farm of Mukhrani (Mtskheta region) and in collective plot of educational farm of Dighomi (Suburb of Tbilisi). With perspective plan to supply population of Tbilisi with table grape cultivation of Gorula in Tbilisi and Gori regions is foreseen, on lowlands as grafts and on roots which are durable against phylloxera.


Botanical description

Gorula was described in experimental basis of wine-making institute of Gori, in village Khidistavi and for compare in collective plot of educational farm of Dighomi.

The young sprout

Growth cone is light green, with slightly yellowish nuance and it is abundantly covered with white hair-like down. Sides of unexpanded leaves are dark red.

Newly expanded first and next leaves from upper side is light green with yellowish nuance and sides from up are dark red. First strongly and second is quietly covered with hair-like down. Next third and fourth leaves from upper side are slightly hair down.

From upper side on whole blade of third light green leaf reddishviolet color is noticeable. Fourth leaf is characterized by the same color. From lower side it is characterized by slight down, on next fifth and sixth leaves form upper side hair down is insignificant and greenish-yellow color has slight reddish nuance. From lower side insignificant hair down is noticed, long the vessels, which disappears on older leaves.

Young sprout is dark green. On one side sometimes it has violet nuance. It is insignificantly covered with whitish-gray hair-like down. down slightly increases to the top of sprout.

The one-year shoot

It is averagely large (8-10 mm) and during the full ripeness it has dark brown narrow strips. Axils are darker color. Length of inter axil distance reaches 8-13 cm.


Grown leaf of average size is rounded or slightly oval. Its average length reaches 15,0-18,5 cm and width -14,6-18,3. It is mainly five-lobed.

Dig of leaves graft is open and often lyre-like or arch-like. Sometimes it develops one simple tooth on basis. Rarely dig of graft is closed with elliptic hole and with closer or quite deep cuts.

Upper digs are open and deeply cut, lyre-like with shape with parallel sides and acute basis. Sometimes, it is quite cut and is characterized by narrow holes and acute basis. we also see closed digs wide elliptic hole.

Lower dig is more often open, or lyre-like with parallel sides and acute basis. Sometimes dig creates intruded angle. Leaf is massively five lobe tip of lobe, with leaves blade creates blunt angle, rarely straight.

Teeth of axil tip are right-triangular with acute or rounded tip. We also see triangular convex sided and acute-based.

Lateral teeth are more often right-triangular with cute or rounded tip; sometimes it is like saw teeth with one convex side and acute tip. Leaf surface is more often web-like wrinkled; sometimes it is like thin bubble. In natural condition leaf is funnel-like. It is light green with yellowish nuance. From upper side it is naked and from lower side it is slightly covered, along vessels. Down is grayish and hair-like.

Ratio of leaves graft to middle main vessel reaches 0,7-0,9. It is naked and dark red. Main vessels, especially those which are closer to grafts dig, are dark red. Vessels on the upper side of leaf are characterized by more intensive color

The flower

Flower is hermaphrodite with normally developed stamens and pistol. Stamens are suite longer than pistol and by the time of flower expand they are normally bent. Pistol has oblong pear-like shape. There are massively 5 stamens in flower; rarely do we see 4 or 6. Number of flowers in reaches 270-650.

The bunch

length of bunchs graft is 4-6,5 cm, during the grapes full ripeness it becomes rough until middle part of axils and takes nuance characteristic to shoot. Other side of graft is grass-like and light green greenish color with slight yellowish nuance. From sun side it is well depicted dark red.

Total size of bunch is cylindrical, sometimes cylindrical-cone-like. With constitution it is dense, sometimes very dense; we also see thin bunchs, but such bunchs with such constitution is untypical for this variety. Length of bunch is 11,5-19 cm and width 7-10,5 cm.

The grain

Length of seeds graft with pedestal is 5,5-7,5 mm it is green. pedestal is wide cone-like and wrinkled. Seed is strongly attached to pedestal.

Seed is light green and during full ripeness takes very beautiful yellowish color. On skin abundantly develops dark brownish, thin spots. It is average or more than average and slightly oval with shape. Its average length reaches 15,6-20,5 mm and width 14-19,1 mm. in the middle of the body it is more wide , it has rounded end and is symmetrical. Some seeds are characterized by asymmetry, but it must not be considered as typical feature. It has slightly rough and thick skin. It is fleshy and less juicy, with pleasant sweet taste. Flakes are flakes on seeds skin.

The seed

There are 1-3 seeds in seed. Rarely do we see 4, more rarely there is one seed. Average length of seedis 5,5-7 mm and width 3,5-5,2 mm. it is light brown with pinkish nuance. From abdomen side clefts are well depicted and it is yellowish-straw-colored. is slightly concaved and more often oval. It is located slightly up from the middle part of back. Basis of beak is light yellowish and tip is dark rust-like brown color, its length reaches 1,7-2 mm.

Agro-biological description

In the zone of village Khedistavi of Gori region, length vegetation season of Gorula from bud expanding to grapes full ripeness reaches 166-170 days. In zone of village Dighomi of Tbilisi suburb this length doesn’t exceed 171 days.

Below is shown data of phonological observation of 3 years which was held in abov mentioned regions. (See Table 1).

Material show in Table 1 makes clear difference between beginning of bio phases in zones of village Khidistavi and Doghomi and it is normal, because these villages with their climate peculiarities are very different from each other. For example: in zone of village Khidistavi because spring starts relatively lately bud expanding begins from 18-22 April and in Dighomi from 15-17 April. Such difference is in the phase of beginning flowering. In Khidistavi it begins from 6-10 June and in Dighomi from 2-4 June. Ripening of grape in dighomi starts almost one week early and there is not large difference in grapes massive ripeness. Time from bud expanding to grapes full ripeness is equal in both zones (168 days). Only in some cases length of vegetation season in Dighomi is increased with one week in comparative with Khidistavi, which is caused by length of warmth in autumn.

Vine growth and ripeness of shoot. With growth-development of vegetation peaces Gorula belongs to vine group, which are stronger than average and in suitable proper conditions and it reaches strong growth-development. In case of large loading, on lane or formation with cordon rule, despite abundance of buds it develops quite strong shoots, which length by the end of vegetation season reaches 2-2,5 m. during the massive ripeness of shoot reaches absolute ripeness and takes typical color.

The productivity

Gorula gives first signs of harvest third year from planting and begins absolute productivity from fourth-fifth year. We bring notification of productivity. (See table 2).

While formation with bilateral Georgian rules variety is characterized by larger than average productivity. On one shoot more often develops one bunch, sometimes two but they are uneven. Coefficient of productivity reaches 0,75-1,1. Average weight of bunch is 206-215 g and harvest from one vine (In case of loading with 2-24 buds) reaches 2,5-3 kg. Productive sprouts on vine reaches 74,5-84%.

In case of vines formation as lanes, vines growth-development, harvest and size of bunch increases. Often in zones of Dighomi and Gldani (Suburb of Tbilisi) one vine formatted as lane gives (With loading 50 buds) 10-12 kg grape and some bunch reaches up to 500 g. same situation is in Tbilisi: in Vake, where Gorula is formatted, sometimes on lanes its loading is 150 and harvest reaches 35-40 kg.

Variety is less characterize by fall of flowers. Number of thin seeds in bunch reaches 4-5%.

Durability of variety against fungal diseases and phylloxera. In Eastern Georgian Gorula quite well endures fungal diseases, even when injection with sulphur and blue vitriol against ash and mildew is not done. Despite this, vines vegetation masses and harvest less get ill. Observation makes clear, that in humid condition of Georgia, where it is cultivated on collective plots is more sensible towards ash, and better endures phylloxera. Despite this, its injection in any conditions must be considered as obligatory rule, and amount of injection accordingly to different conditions can vary.

As it was above mentioned, old plantation of Gorula in regions of Eastern Georgia (Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Kaspi, Gori) is mianly represented on its own root and as lanes, which age is 60-100 years. Despite this vines are characterized by normal growth-development and productivity. Mentioned condition allows us to make conclusion, that this variety is not very sensible towards phylloxera. Otherwise, like other indigenous varieties its early destruction will e expected. However this issue needs further study.

Attitude of variety towards external conditions. In regions of Eastern Georgia ( Mtskheta, Tbilisi, Kaspi, Gori) table Gorula doesn’t show sensibility towards ecological conditions. Observation confirms, that it freely develops in low gauges and also in height places and on plots of different exposition. But, according to the qualitative notifications of production it gives better results on height places which are sloping to south and on deep strong soils. In such conditions Gorula is characterized by normal growth-development, quite abundant harvest and wonderful taste of production.

Rough skin can be considered as small defect of Gorula, which can be increased in case of wind.

Gorula similar to Gorula Mtsvane is durable against winter frosts as a result of strong frosts it massively damages, but in case of vegetation peaces enrichment with plastic materials durability against frosts can be increased. It expresses better durability against frosts if it is cultivated on height places and in less humid conditions.

In same ecological conditions table Gorula in zones of Khidistavi and Tsedisi (Gori region) in 1948/49 expressed more durability against frosts than Chinuri, Kartlis Tita and Saferavi.

Specific features of variety

From specific features of Gorula issue of pruning-formation deserves attention. Observation of many years makes clear that Georgian unilateral form, which means loading of vine with 8-12 buds, is unacceptable for this variety, because as a result of such severe pruning growth-development of variety hinders and harvest reduces. As it was above mentioned, form of large loading so called lane-like must be considered perspective for this variety because total power of vine strengthens and significantly increases harvest by remaining quality of production. Facts which confirm this we can abundantly find in Tbilisi and in its suburb area (Ortachala, Gldani, Vake, Didube, Dighomi, Gldani). So, in personal plots, also as decoration of roads, formation of Gorula as lanes can be successfully used. In manufacturing vineyards of Gorula bilateral cordon must be used. Mentioned forms of pruning guarantees normal growth-development of vine.

Experience shows that Gorula provides high quality production in Georgia in its southern and south-east sloping areas, in soils which are rich in calcium carbonates, phosphorus, calcium and road metal.

As much in hot and dry regions as in cold and moist conditions, also in heavy clay and non-lime soils the species is not successfully cultivated. Production from such areas is very unusual and undesirable.

Resistance against winter frosts is quite high. In the western zone is more enduring of frost than Aligote. But it is more sensitive to spring frosts, as its spouts develop earlier, especially in the north-western exposition. Therefore the cultivation of Pinot is better cultivated on south and south-eastern expositions.

It is characterized also by great resistance to drought, but for normal development and better harvesting it should, as a rule, be irrigated 2-3 times in the viticulture districts of Kartli.

Agro-technical characteristics

For agro purposes, Gorula belongs to group of high qualitative table grapes.

Confirmation if this is external beauty of bunch and seed, color of seed, density of flesh and sweet-sour taste, transportability of grape and good ability of storing, also normal growth-development of vine and in case of good care-treatment abundant productivity.

From Georgian indigenous assortment Gorula differs from other varieties with good ability of storing, also normal growth-development of vine and in case of good care-treatment and formation abundant productivity.

From Georgian indigenous assortment Gorula is distinguished with good ability of storing. Population of village Gldani is storing this grape in special boxes in sawdust. For this purpose technically mature and thin grapes are selected. Non matured, damaged and thin seeds are cut. Dense bunches are diluted and such materials are such prepared materials are dried by sun. Parallel are made boxes and sawdust. Sawdust of soft tree is taken, which is dried for a long time. In sifted sawdust grapes are put in one layer. Thickness of sawdust in layers is 2-3 cm. at last boxes are filled with sawdust, but it is rammed, roof is made and it is stored in conditions of low temperature during all winter. Grape stored with such rules remains its color, taste and in spring it is taken out for selling. Grape with its appearance and taste is like newly picked.

So, among indigenous vine varieties with white grapes Gorula is very perspective, as qualitative table grape.

Average weigh of bunch reaches 210,5 g and amount of seeds on bunch varies from 68 to 72 ( averagely-70). Structure of cluser is like this: bud is 4,6-5,4%, skin-18,6-19,1%, seed-3,0-3,2% . Average weight of 100 bunch is 289 g and of 100 seed- 3,25 g.

In comparative with other local varieties, table Gorula ripeness earl with some days. During the period of grapes ripeness sugar doesn’t exceed 18,15-19,3% and total acidity reaches 5,6-6,1%. Observation makes clear, that late bear of grape causes increase of sugar with 1,5-2%, but acidity falls, which significantly reduces quality of production (Grape becomes sticky and joyless for eating). So, for this variety sugar consistence up to 18-19% must be considered normal and accordingly vintage can be freely held at the beginning of October.

According to the data of G. Kutubidze resistance of Gorula seed against pressing is averagely 1240 g and resistance against bearing 270g.

Product of Gorula for making wine is unreasonable, because wine made only from Gorula is characterized by less harmony, low acidity, unreasonably ration between alcohol and acidity and less ability of storing. Its mixture with other local varieties for making ordinary variety wine is possible.

General evaluation and distribution by district

Among Georgian indigenous wine varieties with white grapes Gorula deserves special attention, as table grape giving high qualitative production. Especially perspective is for Gori, Mtskheta, Dusheti regions and for Tbilisi and its suburb zone. With quite large harvest it gives high qualitative production characterized by good ability of storing and transportability. Confirmation of this is plots of Gorula cultivated in education farm of Dighomi. So, next development viticulture in Tbilisi zone must be based on massive cultivation of Gorula with other varieties, but only as grafts on specially selected roots which are durable against phylloxera.


1. Ketskhoveli N., Zones of Cultural Plants in Georgia. Tbilisi, 1957.
2. Kutubidze G., Prospective Table Vine Varieties for Tbilisi Suburb Zone. Tbilisi, 1958.
3. Tabidze D., Georgian Vine Varieties. Tbilisi, 1950.
4. Cholokhashvili S., guide book of viticulture. Vol. II „Amphleography“. Tbilisi, 1938.
5. Javakhishvili Iv., Economic History of Georgia, Vol. II, Tbilisi, 1934.


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