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გადასვლა: ნავიგაცია, ძიება

Ganjuri – is a table vine variety with white grapes. It is characterized by high taste features and also by the external beauty of the bunch and seed, ability of storage and transportability, and so justifiably takes an honorable place among classical table vine varieties.

In viticulture literature, also in its distribution regions, this variety is known by several names: Ganja, Ganjuri Grape, Ganjuri, Ganjuri Tita, Ganjuri Tetri, Tavrizi, Siradzuli or Shirazuli, and Shakhi Grape.

The first five names, which are spread throughout Georgia and Azerbaijan, confirm the Azerbaijani origin of the variety. The same is indicated by V. Lazariani in his own monograph of Ganjuri.

In order to confirm this notion, the mentioned author indicates the existence of many forms of Ganjuri in viticulture regions of Azerbaijan and presents the results of observation conducted by Professor A. Negruli about the close connection of Ganjuri to the morphological-biological features of the Azerbaijan vine variety Bain Shirei.

In the mentioned issue, Persian synonyms of the variety are vague: Tavrizi, Shiradzuli or Shurazuli and Shakhi Grape.

Lazariani explains the name Shrazuli by results of trade, which was widely developed in the last centuries between Persia and Azerbaijan and, as a large number of these varieties were sent to the populated area of Azerbaijan, this variety, as a highly qualitative variety, was bestowed the name of the capital of Persia- Tabrizi.

A number of Soviet and foreign scientists- Goete, Piulia, S. Korjiski, and S. Cholokhashvili, consider Persia as the homeland of the variety and mention it in their works by the name of Shirazuli or Tavrizi.

For example, according to Odari, it originates from Shiradza. According to the report of Ermensi, it was spread at heights in India, especially in the zone of Kashmir, where it is known by the name Opimani. In France, this variety was first known as Shiradzul. Piulia, in his work, calls this variety Shiradzuli and positively characterizes it as a high qualitative variety.

Iv. Javakhishvili, according to linguistic research, considers Shiradzuli the oldest name of the variety and recognizes it as Persian. It also indicates the editing of the Georgian suffix „uli,“ which- according to his own explanation -is not typical for languages other than Georgian. Due to this, the mentioned scientist thinks that, in the distant past, this variety was taken from Shiradzi to Georgia, where it gained the Georgian suffix „uli“ and was then sent back to its homeland.

According to the above mentioned, it is thought that the statement about its Azerbaijani origin cannot be considered absolute, moreover, the abundance of Persian synonyms indicates that this variety is Persian.

In order to determine its origin, a total analysis of its morphologicalbiological features is necessary, along with a comparison with other indigenous vine varieties spread in the same zone; external forms and display of common features; detailed analysis of historical materials; and a determination of its age in the main hearths of its cultivation (in this case, particularly in Azerbaijan and Persia).

The mentioned variety, with its morphological and biological features, belongs to the ecological-geographical group of varieties of Easternern Georgia.

Ganjuri is spread massively in Azerbaijan, mainly in the regions of Kirovabadi, Nizami, Agdami, Saparalevi, Shamkhori, and Kasum Ismailov. In the above-mentioned regions, according to the observation of 1940, the total area dedicated to this variety was 1200 hectares. Apart from Azerbaijan, Ganjuri is also spread in Armenia. It is represented by minor plots in Dagestan, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Crimea and Rostov.

In Georgia, in the past, this variety was spread by the name of Shiradzuli, and later, with the name Ganjuri, it was spread in the neighborhood of Tbilisi and its suburbs.

In Georgia, lately, in connection with the development of the table grape industry, special attention has been paid to the distribution of Ganjuri. With its high qualitative features, it takes honorable place among table vine varieties and, as massive plantations, it was spread on the Soviet farms of Giaurarkhi, Dighomi, Vakretili and Samgori. On the above-mentioned farms, the total area dedicated to Ganjuri in 1958 was 330 hectares.

Ganjuri was also widely spread in the territory of Tbilisi in personal plots of the local population, mainly as canopies.

In terms of its prospective, it is foreseen to supply the populations of the industrial cities (Tbilisi, Rustavi, Gori, and Kutaisi) with qualitative table grape. For this purpose, it is planned- within the next 10 years -to cultivate a new vineyard of Ganjuri on 2500 hectares in the regions of Easternern Georgia.


Biological description

Ganjuri was described on the educational farm of Dighomi (suburb of Tbilisi) which was cultivated in 1948 with BerlandieriXRiparia 5bb used as roots. With a feeding area of 1.5 x 1.5 per meter, the vine stands on wire and is formed following the free pruning guideline.

The young sprout

The cone of growth is lightly covered with thin web-like down and has an orange color with a greenish-yellow hue. First newly expanded and the next second and third leaves, with veins, are covered with web-like down and are yellowish-orange. On the next leaves this covering is almost insignificant and on older leaves on the top side, it disappears. Sprouts are light green and bare. An insignificant web-like covering is characteristic in the basal zone.

The one-year shoot. The matured shoot is average or thicker than average with long inter-axil spaces of a reddish color with a yellowish hue. The axils are a darker color. The average length of inter-axil spaces is 14.1 cm.

The leaf

The mature leaf is quite large. Its average length is 15.5 – 18.0 cm. It has an oval shape and is often five-lobed.

The blade is flat, sometimes funnel-like with cleft and its surface is smooth. On the underside it is covered with thin grayish web-like down.

The incision of the leaf petiole is open, more often wide arrow-like, sometimes lyre-like or arch-like. It has one or two teeth developed on the basis.

Upper incisions are quite deep and close. Elliptic or egg-like incisions are slightly separate from each other.

Lower incisions are open and more often lightly cut, sometimes making quite an intruded angle.

Tips of teeth are triangular, more often with convex sides and acute tips; occasionally with triangular saw-teeth with one-sided convex sides and rounded or acute basis. Lateral teeth are like the main teeth in shape.

The ratio of leaf petiole to main vein is 0.8 – 0.9 cm. It is bare and of a reddish color, taking on a pink color closer to the basis.

The flower

The flowers are hermaphroditic with normally developed pistil and stamens. In a flower stamens are often slightly longer than the pistil. There are 550 flowers in an inflorescence.

The bunch

The length of the bunch pedicel is 3 – 4.5cm. During the period of full grape-ripening, the pedicel is grass-like and a light greenish color.

Bunches are of average length: 13-16 cm and width, 9 - 10 cm. The length of a large bunch is 19 cm and width, 11.5 cm. The average length of a small bunch is 9.5 cm and width 6.5 cm

The shape of a bunch is cone-cylindrical or cone-like, rarely cylindrical. It is averagely dense or dense.

The grain

Length of berry pedicel, with receptacle, is 6.6mm, and the receptacle is warty and wide cone-like.

The berry is of average size or is thicker than average. Its average length is 14.7 – 21.0 mm, and width 13.0 – 17.7 mm. It has an oval shape and is wider in the middle of the body. It has a rounded end and is symmetrical.

During the period of full grape-ripeness, the berry takes on a beautiful light-yellowish hue. The skin is averagely thick and dense, quite fleshy and juicy, normally sweet. The skin easily separates from the flesh.

The seed

There are 1-4 seeds in grain, more commonly, two seeds, whose length is 6.5 – 7.5mm and width 3 – 3.5mm. The seed is brown on the back. On the abdomen side it is yellowish straw-colored in clefts. The kalaza is quite depicted and often has an oval shape. The beak has the same color as the seed and its length reaches 1.8 - 2mm.

Agro-biological description

Phonological observations of the phases of the biological development of Ganjuri were held on the educational farm of Dighomi (suburb of Tbilisi). The results of this and observations from the testing stations of Sakare and Telavi are shown below (see Table 1).

In the viticulture zone of Dighomi, the length of the vegetation season from breaking of the bud to full grape-ripening is 158 days; the phase of crying lasts 14 - 15 days, bud break begins from 15 - 16 April, and flowering from 5 - 7 June, lasting 8 - 10 days. Te grape reaches full ripeness by 20 September. Ganjuri, in the viticulture zone of Telavi, is characterized by almost the same duration of bio-phases. According to the data of the Sakare station, there is significant difference between the courses of phases. For example, bud break starts from the beginning of April, flowering also begins early, and the grape reaches full ripeness from the beginning of September. Accordingly, the length of the vegetation season from bud break to full grape-ripening is 150 - 155 days.

In order to compare, the results of observation of the course of biological phases from the monograph of V. Lazariani from some regions of the Soviet Union are shown below (see Table 2).

As these materials indicate, in the mentioned regions, the length of the vegetation season of Ganjuri from bud break to full grape-ripening does not vary significantly and lasts from 140 to 164 days.

Here must be mentioned the early ripening of the Ganjuri grape in the viticulture zones of Tashkent and Kirovabad (1-3.IX), Anapa (19.IX) and Ialta (19.IX), and relatively late ripening in the zone of Odes (26.IX).

Growth of vine and ripeness of shoot

In the conditions of Georgia, Ganjuri is characterized by strong growth, by which it sharply demonstrates its typical features. Due to such a great ability of growth, it is considered to be one of the main varieties for lanes, especially on personal plots, With proper care, the shoots of the vine quite strongly develop and sometimes reach 3 - 4.5 m in length.

It expresses this biological feature in ever zone of viticulture. By the time of full grape-ripeness, the shoots are ripe through the entire length and have taken on nuance characteristic for variety.

The productivity

In conditions of proper care, Ganjuri is characterized by average productivity. It gives first sign of harvest in its second- and more often third -year from planting and gives a full yield in its fourth or fifth year. According to vine formation and loading, Ganjuri is characterized by different characteristics. In order to confirm this, below is the data of productivity, which was taken from the educational farm of Dighomi by E. Mirianashvili (2) (See Table 3).

As it is confirmed by the data, in every populated area it expresses the characteristic feature of productivity. For example, the amount of productive sprouts on a vine is 41 - 49%; sprouts with one bunch up to 92%; and with two bunches 7 - 8%. A sprout with three bunches is not characteristic. The productivity of the shoot is 75 - 88g, while the coefficient of productivity ranges from 0.45 to 0.53, and the number of bunches on a vine does not exceed 14 - 16. According to the formation and loading the average yield from one vine is 2.5 - 3kg, which means 75 - 88 centners per hectare.

Consistent with the average data of the shown 5 years, the harvest from one hectare on the educational farm of Dighomi is 86 - 88 centners, and, in 1954, its harvest exceeded 130 centners.

Such data of productivity is characteristic for Ganjuri on the Soviet farm of Giaurarkhi (Marneuli region).

It must be also mentioned that, in Georgia, this variety is characterized by irregular and uneven harvest, which is thought to be caused by conditions of care and by characteristics of the variety.

Of the variety’s biological features must be mentioned unproductive sprouts which develop from old parts- a feature which is sharply expressed in other regions of viticulture.

Ganjuri is less characterized by flower-fall and thin berries. Mass flower-fall takes place only in unsuitable weather and in the case of low quality agro techniques.

Durability against fungal diseases and pests

In the conditions of Georgia, Ganjuri does not demonstrate great susceptibility towards diseases, especially towards ash and mildew, but to worm and damp weather its are significantly damaged. Injections against mildew and ash following agro guidelines must be considered obligatory in every region of the variety’s cultivation.

Of pests, Ganjuri harvest is most damaged by the grape worm. The action of this pest starts from flowering and lasts until the grape begins to ripen. In the case of wide spread worms, which sometimes happens in Georgia, the harvest is massively damaged; the grapes rot and the yield is significantly reduced. In some years, Crurpana also spreads, especially in zone of Tbilisi on vines decorated as lanes. In this case, the quality of the harvest is significantly reduced.

Ganjuri is not durable against phylloxera, and because of this, engraftment on roots, which are durable against phylloxera, is necessary. The spider mite, which lately has spread widely on several varieties of vine, was not mentioned on Ganjuri.

The relationship with environment and natural conditions

An observation of many years confirms that Ganjuri gives better results in the case of growth-development and harvest, when cultivated in deep strong soils. In such conditions, larger bunches and uncharacteristic production for a qualitative table variety is achieved.

In order to produce high qualitative production and beautiful bunches, regions characterized by relatively low sediments (400 - 600mm) must be considered best for Ganjuri cultivation. Grape taken from such plots, aside from external beauty, is characterized by good storage ability and transportability.

It does not show durability against winter frosts. In the Dighomi zone (suburb of Tbilisi) in 1950, as a result of frosts (-17 degree), the buds were significantly damaged and one-year shoots, partially affected. The action of frosts strengthens in irrigated areas and on plains, which is caused by an abundance of moisture in the vine and by the settling of cold air masses in lowlands.

Towards drought, Ganjuri does not demonstrate great sensitivity, but in regions characterized by a lack of moisture, two watering are necessary for the vines normal growth-development and in order to receive a qualitative harvest. Otherwise, the growth of the vine slows down and bunches and berries become a-typical and non-qualitative.

Agro-technical characteristics

As was mentioned, Ganjuri is characterized by strong or stronger growth-development. Of the main issues of agro techniques, feeding areas deserve special attention. The results of many years observation confirms that, on the educational farm of Dighomi, the feeding area of 1.5 x 1.5 is totally unacceptable for Ganjuri. In such conditions, as a result of strong development of the green masse, the interlacing of sprouts takes place. Green masses exceed the area allocated to it and, as a result, the vine becomes abundantly misty, aeration is reduced, the action of sun is weakened and mass flower-fall occurs. As a result of fungal diseases, green masses become ill, and, during the period of grape-ripening with a lack of airing and sun, there is less qualitative production.

Aside from the above-mentioned, the mechanization of the main working processes with machines is highly practical. All working process done by hand or by plough significantly increase the expenses of viticulture and increase the cost price of production growth.

For normal growth, in order to receive an abundant and highly qualitative production, and for the mechanization of main working processes with existing machinesthe feeding area of Ganjuri must be 2 x 1.5m. New farms are presently built on such feeding areas and they must remain so in future. With such feeding area, the loading of shoots reaches 150 - 200 thousand buds, which guarantees the taking of 150 centners, and more qualitative grapes per hectares.

According to feeding area, the use heavy-loading is necessary. From experienced forms, the prospective for this variety is considered To maintain higher productivity the forming of vines as canopies of generally high vineyards should be recommended, for example by the use of two-sided cordon by giving four forming rings or the form consisting of many hangers by leaving 3 - 4 fruiting-buds.

The productivity of Ganjuri is relatively more than that of grapes formed as lanes. It is thought that a large supply of plastic materials influences the increase of the harvest. The yield from one root formed as a lane, whose loading is, on average 100 buds, exceeds 20kg, and, in the case of greater loading, exceeds 50 - 60kg. This can explain the variety’s mass-formation as lanes on personal plots.

Productive varieties develop the sixth or seventh bud from the basis. The pruning of the shoot is considered to be reasonable on 8 – 10 or 12 buds.

As is known, high qualitative table grape must be characterized by thin and beautiful bunches; large berries with external beauty; excellent taste and abundant productivity.

10 - 15 days after flowering, if 50% of bunches become thin, the grape will be good. Also, the cutting of tips at the same time on vines gives a good effect. For example, the average harvest from one test vine reached 3.34kg and an average weight of bunch of 229g.

Aside from this, the resistance of the berry to pressing and detachment was significantly increased, which is very important for grape storing and transportation. The thinning of bunches up to 50 % 10 - 15 days after flowering, and the cutting of sprout tips must be considered reasonable.

Dilution of the bunch during the same period by up to 50 - 55% by the vision method must also be considered an important idea.

With its features of bunch and grain, Ganjuri belongs to the group of high qualitative table grapes.

production is reasonable for making wine, as, in quality it insignificantly lags behind high qualitative vine varieties intended for wine. Wine made from Ganjuri is less harmonic, less sour and, in some cases, it contains abundant alcohol.

Below are the results of the mechanical-chemical analysis of the Ganjuri grape (see Table 4).

The weight of a large bunch is 500g; an average bunch 215g; and a small bunch 100g. There are often more average and small bunches on a vine.

During the period of full grape-ripening, the sugar content ranges from 16.5 to 18.5. In some years, when there is abundant warmth during the period of grape reproduction, the sugar increases and exceeds 21 - 22%. Such a rise in sugar in the grape is accompanied by a fall in acidity (5.0 – 5.5%), which is characteristic for this variety in every region of viticulture.

The average weight of a berry is 150g. There are 240 seeds in 100 berries; their weight being 9.6 g.

The number of berries with one seed is 16%; with two seeds- 39%; with three seeds- 39%; with four seeds- 9%. Rarely do we see seedless berries.

In order to compare below are shown the result of the grape mechanical analysis, which was held in several regions of viticulture and is represented by V, Lazariani in his collective amphelography.(Table 5)

The data shown in Table 5 clearly confirms the better development of the Ganjuri bunch and berry in the viticulture zones of Odessa, Yalta, and Tashkent (where the average weight of a bunch was 139 - 328g and the average weight of a berry was 3.15 - 3.72g).

Of the grain’s mechanical features, the strength of its attachment to the pedicel and resistance against pressing must be mentioned.

On the educational farm of Dighomi, according to the average data of 5 years, the strength of berry attachment to the pedicel ranges from 232 to 295g while, according to the material of Sakare station, in samples taken from the same zone, the strength of the attachment reached 273 g. In this feature Ganjuri completely satisfies the demands of a qualitative table grape.

Its resistance to pressing is quite high. The lightest loading of berries reaches 880g, and heaviest -1900 g, the average being 1150.

In the viticulture zone of Dighomi, Ganjuri reaches technical ripeness in the middle of September (sugar 17.6%, acidity 6.4%). In the later part of September, the sugar rises, but not sharply, and accordingly the acidity reduces and, at the end of September, the sugar reaches almost 20%, and acidity 6%. At the beginning of October, the sugar rises still and reaches 21 - 22% and in the nefollowing fortnight, the sugar and acidity remains unchanged. Such a rise in sugar is accompanied by significant reduction of acidity.

With external beauty and taste features, Ganjuri is characterized by the following notes: Beautiful shape of grain, yellowish amber-colored, not thick-skinned. Skin and flesh that are easy to chew; flesh that is quite juicy. The taste is normal-sweet, by the time of sugar consistency of 17 - 18% and acidity 6.4 – 6.5% it is cheerful, harmonic, and with a seed that easily separates from the flesh.

With the above-mentioned features, the Ganjuri grape wholly satisfies the demands of a qualitative table grape. Small-scope observations were held of the grape storage and transportability in 1953-1954 by Kikacheishvili. For comparison, Ganjuri, Chinuri and Aleksandrouli were taken. The samples were produced on the educational farm of Dighomi during full grape-ripeness.

The grape for storing and for sending was placed in 6 - 10kg boxes with poultice material and without it. Sawdust was used as poultice material. The grape was stored in a fridge in conditions of 0 degrees, and one part was sent by road Tbilisi - Batumi several times over 10 days.

Of the mentioned varieties, Ganjuri expressed better ability of storage: on 1st March, healthy grapes were 70 - 75%, while other varieties healthy grapes were 35 - 40%.

Ganjuri appears to have good transportability. After a 10 day journey, 80% of the stored grapes appeared healthy whereas grapes of other varieties were damaged up to 50%. The ability of storing and transportation can be increased if it is cultivated in vineyards which are abundantly lit by the sun and lightly irrigated.

In conditions of Azerbaijan, according to the observation held by R. Mamedov, the great ability of storing, and invariability of taste features characteristic to the variety, was confirmed.

General evaluation and distribution by district

In the conditions of Georgia, Ganjuri is an averagely productive variety- a typical feature expressed in every region of viticulture. It is characterized by strong or very strong growth-development. The length of some shoots, by the end of the vegetation season, sometimes exceeds 3 – 4.5m. Due to the strong growth-development, this variety needs an increased feeding area. In the conditions of Georgia, the feeding area must be 2 x 1.5 sq m, and with the increased feeding area are needed heavy forms of loading.

To maintain higher productivity the forming of vines as canopies of generally high vineyards should be recommended, for example by the use of two-sided cordon by giving four forming rings or the form consisting of many hangers by leaving 3 - 4 fruiting-buds.

It gives first sign of harvest in its second or third year from planting and a full harvest in its fifth year. The amount of productive sprouts varies from 40 to 57%. It has a low coefficient of productivity (0.45 - 0.53). Pruning of up to 7 – 10 - 12 buds is necessary. Sprouts developing from old parts of the vine, and also substitute buds, are unproductive, flower-fall and thin berries are less characteristic of this variety.

Regarding fungal diseases, it does not express great sensitivity, but treatment against ash and mildew and must be considered obligatory, as it is foreseen with agro rules.

Of the pests, significant damage is caused by the grape worm, the action of which is shown over three generations, and because of this, the fight against it must be high qualitative and timely. Ganjuir is less durable against phylloxera.

In order to receive a high qualitative production, the cultivation of Ganjuri must take place on plots which are abundantly lit by the sun, on south-east sloping expositions. Grapes taken from such places can be successfully used for winter storage and for transportation.

Due to the many positive features, Ganjuri deserves great attention. Presently, it must be cultivated as grafts in order to guarantee the population with a high qualitative table grape.

The best micro-districts for the cultivation of Ganjuri must be considered as the viticulture zones of Tbilisi, Samgori, Rustavi, Marnuli, Bolnisi, Kaspi and Gori.

It is also prospective for the conditions of central Imereti and Kakheti. In all the above-mentioned zones, the cultivation of Ganjuri must be held as grafts on specially selected roots which are durable against phylloxera.


1. Ketskhoveli N., Zones of Cultural Plants in Georgia. Tbilisi, 1957.
2. Mirianashvili E., Impacts of Agro-Technical Measures on Table Grape Varieties (Red Budeshuri and Ganjuri), Works of Gardening, Viticulture and Wine-Making, 1958.
3. Cholokhashvili S., Viticulture, Vol. II, Ampelography, Tbilisi 1939.
4. Javakhishvili Iv., Economic history of Georgia. Vol. II, Tbilisi, 1954.


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