Forest Beauty

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Forest Beauty

Forest Beauty – this pear varietie is met in Georgia quite unfrequently, only in single trees.


Fruit of medium size, round elongated or rather short pyriform. Skin is thin, firm, at harvest maturity, greenish yellow, when fully ripe yellow, blushed on the sunny side.

Flesh yellowish, tender, melting, juicy, slightly acid. Its flavour is excellent for dessert. Crop ripens in September.


Tree is of a medium growth. When grafted on the quince, overgrows the stock, longest-living, hardy, not requistive to environment, blooming early, flowers self-sterile, bearing early, fruiting regular, does not stand pruning, this is why it is not suitable for shaping.

Fruits are easily injured by scab, keep poorly, during storage swell and get spotted.

Forest Beauty is only an amateur sort.


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