Bonne Louise of Avranches

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Bonne Louise of Avranches

Bonne Louise of Avranches - this pear varietie is not everywhere and not largely distributed in Georgia. Single trees can be found in the horticultural districts of Karthalinia and as a pomological rarity- in Abkhasia, Akhaltzich and Kakhetia.


The fruit is of a medium size, pyriform, setting in clusters by 3-5, if on weak stock rather large; shipping qualities good.

Skin smooth, lustrous; at harvest maturity pale green, scattered with a multitude of submerged dots, when fully ripe greenish yellow with a dotted blush on the sunny side.

Flesh white, tender, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasantly acid.

Fruit suffer much from scab, ripens for use in September and is kept till October.

The peculiarities of this sort are: vigorous vegetative growth, in excessively humid regions the fruits become watery, flavourless; early bearing, regular fruiting, lack of hardiness to cold, blooming midseason, self-sterile flowers, good growth when grafted on the quince.

Bonne Louisa is not a commercial sort in Georgia because of the competiton of other Fall sorts, successful regardless of all its positive qualities. It ought to be recommended for dwarf cultivation to amateur horticulturists as a good summer – Fall sort.


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