Beurré Napoléon

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Beurré Napoléon

Single trees of the pear Beurré Napoléon grow in the suburban districts of Tbilissi, Kakhetia and Karthli.


Fruit of medium size, seldom large, elongated pyriform, wide at the base, narrowing towards the neck.

Skin smooth, lustrous, thin, of a pale greenish yellow, uniform in colour, scattered with brown dots of russet, at full maturity the colour becomes dark yellow/orange, blushed on the sunny side.

Flesh white, tender, melting, very juicy, aromatic, grained,very good in quality. Fruit ripens in October-November.


Tree of a weak growth, in the young age suffering much from cold, later acquiring hardiness to low temperatures; bearing early, fruiting periodical, only fair; blooming late and protracted; flowers self-sterile; fruits dropping easily and greatly susceptible to scab.

Beurré Napoléon succeeds poorly on the quince, requiring double working; pruning desirable light.

Beurré Napolon is one of the best desserts as well as a valuable amateur and commercial sort.


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