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გადასვლა: ნავიგაცია, ძიება

Bartlett is known in Georgia under the name of „Suniani msqhali“. This classical sort is widely distributed nearly everywhere in Georgia, but especially in the horticultural districts of Karthlinia.There are continuos plantations of Bartlett pears in the gorge of Ksani (Mukhrani), in low Karthli (outskirt of Gori), in Abkhasia, as well as in Kakhetia and in the outskirt of Tbilisi.

In western Georgia Bartlett is also rather frequently met if compared with other foreign sorts.

Flower of Bartlett

The fruit is of medium size, pyriform, with a slightly uneven surface, very much variable in shape. Fruits set in clusters by 3-2, not lately dropping from wind.

Skin thin, punctate with brown dots; when fully ripe of a lemon yellow colour, sometimes covered with large spots or a net of russet, on the sunny side bright red. Appearance very attractive and showy.

Flesh white, tender, melting, with a strong muscadine aroma, flavour excellent.

Bartlett gives very valuable fruits for dessert and table and a very good canned product.

Bartlett is one of the largely commercial sorts of pears for many regions in Georgia. Early bearing, abundant and regular productivity, high qualities of fruits constitute its merits, whereas a comparatively weak growth, susceptibility to Laspeyresia pomonella, low affinity with the quince, are its faults.


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