Tita kartluri

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გადასვლა: ნავიგაცია, ძიება
(ერთი მომხმარებლის ერთი შუალედური ვერსია არ არის ნაჩვენები.)
ხაზი 42: ხაზი 42:
Tita Kartluri is mostly distributed in the central districts of Kartli
Tita Kartluri is mostly distributed in the central districts of Kartli
and in Meskheti, as it was in the past. It is included in the vineyards
and in Meskheti, as it was in the past. It is included in the vineyards
of [[Gorula mtsvane|Gorula Mtsvane]] and Chinuri, planted as a a few vines, mostly
of [[Gorula mtsvane|Gorula Mtsvane]] and [[Chinuri]], planted as a a few vines, mostly
in micro-districts such as Ateni, Tsedisi, and Khidistavi (the gorge
in micro-districts such as Ateni, Tsedisi, and Khidistavi (the gorge
of Tana – Gori district). This grapevine variety can also be found
of Tana – Gori district). This grapevine variety can also be found
ხაზი 190: ხაზი 190:
[http://www.nplg.gov.ge/ec/ka/cart/search.html?cmd=search&sf=simple&qs%5B0%5D%5Bf%5D=700&qs%5B0%5D%5Bq%5D=&qs%5B1%5D%5Bf%5D=200&qs%5B1%5D%5Bq%5D=%E1%83%A1%E1%83%90%E1%83%A5%E1%83%90%E1%83%A0%E1%83%97%E1%83%95%E1%83%94%E1%83%9A%E1%83%9D%E1%83%A1+%E1%83%90%E1%83%9B%E1%83%9E%E1%83%94%E1%83%9A%E1%83%9D%E1%83%92%E1%83%A0%E1%83%90%E1%83%A4%E1%83%98%E1%83%90&qs%5B2%5D%5Bf%5D=212&qs%5B2%5D%5Bq%5D=&qs%5B3%5D%5Bf%5D=213&qs%5B3%5D%5Bq%5D=&qs%5B4%5D%5Bf%5D=606&qs%5B4%5D%5Bq%5D=&pft=biblio&rnum=10&kbd=en&submit_btn=%E1%83%AB%E1%83%98%E1%83%94%E1%83%91%E1%83%90 Ketskhoveli, N. Georgian ampelography] = საქართველოს ამპელოგრაფია / N. Ketskhoveli, M. Ramishvili, D. Tabidze ; [transl. by Dimitri Dolaberidze, Magda Javakhishvili, Sopho Chakhnashvili ; ed.: Katie Davise (main ed.), D. Maghradze, Larisa Vashakidze, Teimuraz Ghlonti]. - 2nd edition. - [Tbilisi] : Exclusive Print Ltd., [2012]. - 456 p. : ill. ; 32 cm.
[[საქართველოს ამპელოგრაფია]]
[[კატეგორია:Georgian ampelography]]
[[კატეგორია:Georgian ampelography]]

მიმდინარე ცვლილება 17:21, 19 ივნისი 2023 მდგომარეობით

Tita kartluri

Tita is a widespread name. Based on written and oral accounts, this grapevine variety can be found in Kakheti, Saingilo, Kartli, Meskheti, Imereti, Samegrelo, Guria and Adjara. For example, it is known in Kakheti as “Kakhuri Tita;” in Imereti as “Tskhenisdzudzu” and “Tita;” in Racha, Guria and Adjara – “Tita Grape;” while in Samegrelo – “Dedoplis Titi”, meaning the finger of a queen.

As its name implies, Tita conveys the shape of grapes, as they are similar to fingers – a justifiable naming of a vine by our ancestors. Within the different regions of Georgia can be distinguished one of the most ancient and famous indigenous grapevine varieties of Kartli- Tita, which entirely reflects the meaning of its name in that it consists of finger-like berries and is called “Kartlis Tita” (Tita of Kartli).

Tita Kartluri is a white grapevine variety used generally as a table grape. In viticulture literary sources it is mentioned by the names: “Tita”, “Tita Grape”, “Rbiltita (soft-fingered)” and “Tita of Ateni.”

There are no written materials regarding the origin of Tita, however its morphological-biological features direct us to consider it as one of the Georgian indigenous grapevine varieties that emerged in our country through natural selection and experiencing the intervention of humans. It has evolved in different regions of Georgia independently; therefore, the ‘Titas’ of Kartli, Kakheti, Racha, Samegrelo, and Guria-Adjara are each completely distinct.

Tita is distributed not only in the SSR of Georgia but in Muslim Georgia, nowadays known as “Khatun Parmaghi” meaning – the finger of a queen”.

Consequently, the name Tita encompasses several independent grapevine varieties cultivated in Georgia that is thought to illustrate its ancient origin. This is proved also by acad. Iv. Javakhishvili who, in his work- Economic History, wrote: “The fact that Tita is cultivated not only in Georgia, from Kakheti to Guria, but also in Muslim Georgia, in Samtskhe, is clear evidence of its ancient origin.”

Tita Kartluri is mostly distributed in the central districts of Kartli and in Meskheti, as it was in the past. It is included in the vineyards of Gorula Mtsvane and Chinuri, planted as a a few vines, mostly in micro-districts such as Ateni, Tsedisi, and Khidistavi (the gorge of Tana – Gori district). This grapevine variety can also be found in Kaspi and Mtskheta where they are formed as low vineyards or canopies. In Meskheti it was known by the name Tskhenisdzudzu, and was mostly cultivated in the districts of Aspindza – in Saro- Khizabavri and Talosh-Vardzia, on its own roots, formed as a canopy and tree-climber (3).

By the impact of phylloxera and fungal diseases, the area of its distribution has been restricted significantly; it remains as a few vines in Meskheti (in Vardzia and Gogasheni) as high-formations, while low vineyards and canopies of Tita can be found around the rivers Tana and Lekhuri.

It is noticeable that, in the past, Tita Kartluri was not favored and cultivated widely because even though it provides high quality table grape, it is not transportable, nor able to be stored due to its thin-skinned berries and also because of its other negative characteristic: a low resistance to fungal diseases. Due to this, it is not included in the standard assortment of grapevine varieties. In order to provide table grape for local use, Tita Kartluri is very interesting for the districts of Meskheti, where it has successfully adapted to the ecological conditions and is characterized with strong growth, as well as high productivity and beauty of grape and a quality taste.

Tita is relatively early ripening (in mid September) and which is known to be a very valuable and important characteristic for Meskheti zone wherein great attention is paid to the development of viticulture.


[რედაქტირება] Botanical description

Tita Kartluri was described in the village of Tsedisi (Gori district), in Bestavashvili vineyard where it is planted together with other grapevine varieties, on their own roots, formed by Georgian guidelines, and, for comparison, it was also described on the Soviet farm in Dighomi,.

[რედაქტირება] The young shoot

The cone of growth is bright green, and covered with whitish-grayish down. The margins of closed leaves are colored slightly pinkish and the newly opened first leaf is covered with a whitish-gray thick felt-like coating with pinkish margins. The following second leaf is also covered with thick feltlike coating on the underside, while on the topside is coated like a web. The down is grayish and hairy; the third leaf is similar to the second, lightly coated on the topside, while on the underside covered with a web-like coating. The coating disappears on the following leaves, which are bare. The petiole of the young leaf is slightly covered with a web-like coating which diminishes from the following leaves.

The young shoot (15 - 16cm) is roundish and dark green with brown lines. The underside of it is lightly covered with a thick feltlike coating that is more expressed towards the tip of the shoot.

[რედაქტირება] The one year sprout

The one year sprout is middle sized (8 - 10mm thick), reddish violet with dark lines; the axils are darker in coloring and distanced from each other by 6 - 11.5cm.

[რედაქტირება] The leaf

The mature leaf is dark green and middle-sized, from 14.5 to 19.5 cm long and 14 - 19cm wide, with the average length being 17.5cm and width 17cm. It is roundish or slightly oval and strongly lobed.

The incision of the pedicel is open and arch-like, while lyre-like incisions can also be found with roundish or sharp basis; rarely being closed elliptical incisions.

The upper incisions are strongly cut, often closed with egg-like acute or roundish basis; while lyre-like incisions with parallel sides and an acute or sharp basis can also be found.

The lower incisions are often strongly cut and while lyre-like, with parallel sides and an acute or sharp basis.

The leaf is five-lobed; the margin of the tip creating a right or rarely an obtuse angle to the blade.

The teeth of the tips of margins are triangular with an acute or roundish tip; also often similar to saw teeth. The secondary teeth are similar to the major teeth.

In its natural state, the leaf is funnel or channel-like; its topside is bare and smooth; sometimes wrinkled like a net or similar to a small blister. On the underside, it is bare around the veins or is covered with web-like down. The veins are lightly coated; on the topside the veins are completely bare and reddish.

The proportion of the pedicel to the major central vine is 1.0-1.1; the pedicel is bare and reddish.

[რედაქტირება] The flower

The flower is hermaphroditic with well-developed pistil and stamens; there are 5 or 6 stamens in a flower, rarely 4 or 7. The length of stamens is equal to the pistil or slightly longer. The pistil is similar to a pear in shape. There are 400 flowers in an inflorescence.

[რედაქტირება] The bunch

The pedicel of a bunch is 3.5 - 7cm long and, by the time of grape-ripening, is woody to the axil, while the remaining part- including the shoot- is grass-like, bright green and slightly reddish. The bunch is cone-cylindrical or winged. The length of a wing can sometimes be 1/3. The bunch is dense in structure or thin, about 12 - 18.5cm long and 7.5 - 13 cm wide, with the average length being 15.5 cm and the width – 10.5cm.

[რედაქტირება] The grain

The pedicel of the grain, including the receptacle is 4.5 - 8mm long; and is greenish. The receptacle is cone-shaped, wrinkled, and the berries are firmly attached to it.

By full ripening, the berry is greenish yellow, to the side of the sun being pinkish-brown. The berry is middle-sized and oval, wider in the middle part; with an acute or rounded end, mostly symmetrical, occasionally asymmetrical. The length of an average grape is 13 - 23mm, while the width – 10.5 - 17.5mm; large berries are 28cm long and 20 - 21cm wine. The berry is thin-skinned and breaks easily; is quite fleshy and juicy; with a very sweet and pleasant taste. The skin is lightly covered with wax-like spots.

[რედაქტირება] The seed

There are 1-4 seeds in a grain, often 1 or 2, rarely 3-4. The seed is 6mm long and 2.5 - 3mm wide. The seed is bright brown, on the back being reddish brown. The basis is longish and sometimes roundish-oval, placed nearly in the middle of the back; the channels are well-depicted and yellowish-pink. The beak is thin and quite long, about 2 - 2.5mm; and slightly yellowish.

[რედაქტირება] Agro-biological description

The vegetation period of Tita Kartluri in the Tsedisi zone lasts for about 167 days, in Dighomi (the suburb of Tbilisi) – 166 days, while in Telavi (Kakheti) -156 days.

Below are presented the findings of phenological observations in the mentioned districts (see Table 1)

As the given data illustrates, the break of buds in the gorge of Tana, in the village Tsedisi begins from 22 April; in Dighomi (the suburb of Tbilisi) - from 23 April, while in Telavi – (according to Telavi testing station of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology) – in 28 April. However this phase in particular years occurs differently, for example in 1945, it began on 2 May, in 1946 – 20 April, in 1947 – 4 April, in 1948 – 25 April and in 1949 – 3 May.

The blossom period begins at nearly the same time in all given districts: in Tsedisi – from 8 - 10 June, in Dighomi – 6 - 7 June, while in Telavi – 5 - 12 June. Similarity has been shown also in the phase of full ripening which in Tsedisi begins from on 25 - 28 September, in Dighomi – 26 - 27 September and in Telavi – 15 - 25 September.

[რედაქტირება] The growth of the vine and ripening of sprouts

Tita Kartluri is generally a strongly growing grapevine variety, especially in proper ecological conditions and with proper care. By the end of the vegetation period, some sprouts can be longer than 3m, particularly on canopies (for example in Aspindza). There are also occasions when in vineyards, where the height of a vine is 70 - 80cm, its one year sprouts reach 3 - 4m in length. For this, in some villages of Kartli, this grapevine variety is formed as a canopy and the vine is loaded with 40 - 50 buds. Sprouts reach full ripeness by the time of grape-ripening.

[რედაქტირება] The productivity

Tita provides the first signs of productivity from the third year of planting, while full harvest from the fifth. If it is formed by Georgian guidelines (loaded with 10 - 12 buds) it gives moderate or low productivity, not more than 1.5 - 2kg per vine. In case of larger loading, it becomes more productive, for example, if the vine is loaded with 30 buds, it becomes very strongly growing and productive, providing about 3 - 4.5kg grape (as it does in Dighomi). Consequently, its forming should be maintained as a canopy or form consisting of many hangers.

Typically, there is one bunch on a sprout, rarely – two. The percentage of productive sprouts is 85 - 88. The coefficient of productivity varies from 0.95 to 1.1. According to Telavi testing station of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Tita Kartluri is characterized with quite high / middle-degreed productivity. In addition, its productivity varies from year to year. The coefficient of productivity is 0.98, the average weight of a bunch is 160g.

This grapevine variety does not experience flower-fall or small berries, if the weather is not opposing.

[რედაქტირება] Resistance to fungal diseases and phylloxera

In the gorge of Tane “Tita Kartluri” is not characterized with high resistance to diseases, especially to powdery mildew. To overcome this negative influence, it should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture 4-5 times and with phosphorus 2 - 3 times.

The impact of phylloxera has not yet been explored, however, based on experience, it can be considered that Tita as less vulnerable to this pest. In the gorge of Tana, where phylloxera is quite widespread, Tita Kartluri- cultivated on its own roots -is characterized with strong growth and development, especially in deep, strong, damp soils, whereas on relatively high land, in dry and thin-layered soils – it is characterized with average growth and higher sensitivity to phylloxera. This problem requires grafting on properly selected rootstocks.

[რედაქტირება] Response to environmental changes

Based on observation, Tita is not demanding to the environment. It can successfully develop as well in plain as in deep, strong soils; in sloping and stony places. However, it is more productive and providing of high quality production if it is cultivated on southern or south-eastern slopes. In lowland areas, if there are noticeably many sediments, the grape breaks easily because of thin skin and so loses its agricultural value, for this, the vineyards of Tita should be cultivated in highland, sun-lit places.

Tita Kartluri is quite resistant to winter frosts, especially when its vegetative parts are fully ripened. In the gorge of Tana, during the severe frosts of 1948-1949, the vines of Chinuri were massively damaged while the vines of Tita stayed alive, only suffering a small number of damaged buds.

The pruning of this grapevine variety is a very interesting issue. As was noted above, the pruning by Georgian guidelines (at 10 - 12 buds) for Tita Kartluri should be avoided, and replaced instead by a canopy or form consisting of many hangers, with 30 - 40 bud loading or by two-sided cordon having 2 - 3 forming ring on each arm. This will assist to increase the productivity and improve the quality of its production.

[რედაქტირება] Agro-technical description

By use, Tita Kartluri is a quality table white grape variety, but only for local appliance as it is neither well transportable nor storable.

Below are presented the findings of the mechanical-chemical analysis of Tita grape. The samples for the analysis were taken from the village Tsedisi (Gori district) and Dighomi (the suburb of Tbilisi) (see Table 2).

As Table 2 indicates, the average weight of a bunch varies from 155 to 180 g (the mean being 165 g); large bunches weighing 282g, while small – 70g. The number of berries varies depending on the size of bunches and generally consists of 76. The low proportion (15.9 - 16.4%) of skin clarifies that this is a thin-skinned grapevine variety.

The distribution of sugar and acidity is another interesting issue. In the samples taken from Tsedisi village, there was a fixed 19.8% sugar and 6.0 % acidity; from Dighomi grape samples, it was 18.4% sugar and 5.3% general acidity. In spite of the timely conducting of the harvest (24 - 29 September) as the given data indicates, this grapevine variety does not accumulate much sugar and, at the same time, is characterized with a significant decrease in acidity. The mentioned proportion of sugar and acidity indicates that Tita Kartluri should be used only as a table grape. There are 180 seeds in 100 berries, out of which 42.1% are one-seeded, 38% - two-seeded, 5.6% - three-seeded, 3% - four-seeded and 11.3% seedless.

Based on the analysis in Telavi testing station (of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology) the average weight of a bunch equals 176g, consisting of 2.2% scion, 17% skin, 2.5% seed, and 78.3% juice. A large bunch weighs 231g, while a small – 50g. By the time of full ripening, the grape contains 18% sugar and 6.5% acidity.

Observation implies that the grape of Tita Kartluri is not able to be long preserved: only 60 - 70 days if all storage guidelines are followed, after which, damage will occur. This is because berries are very thin-skinned and can be easily harmed. Therefore, Tita Kartluri seems a prospective table grape grapevine variety for distribution in the districts of central Kartli. It is characterized with such basic positive features which are crucial for table grape-providing grapevine varieties: strength of growth and consequent high productivity in suitable ecological conditions and with proper care, beauty of bunches and berries, values in taste.

For these positive characteristics, Tita of Kartli is worth cultivating widely, mostly in the viticulture districts of Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Kaspi, Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Aspindza as well as in other districts of Eastern Georgia.

[რედაქტირება] Bibliography

1. Ketskhoveli N., Zones of Cultural Plants in Georgia. Tbilisi, 1957.
2. Orbeliani Sulkhan-Saba., Georgian Dictionary. Tbilisi, 1928.
3. Ramishvili M., For Development of Viticulture in Meskheti: Works of the Agricultural Institute, 1938.
4. Tabidze D., Development of Viticulture in Georgia. Tbilisi, 1950.
5. Cholokhashvili S., Guide Book for Viticulture. Book II, Amphelography. Tbilisi, 1950.
6. Javakhishvili Iv. Economic History of Georgia. Book II. Tbilisi, 1934.

[რედაქტირება] Source

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