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Beurré Bosk

Beurré Bosk is known in Georgia under the name of „Alexandrouli“. It is very popular and common in all the horticultural districts of Georgia, though has gained commercial importance only in Karthli and several localities of Abkhasia and Akhaltzikh. In other districts it can be met only in amateur small orchards of the kholkhosniks.

In old plantations Beurré Bosk did not acquire due importance whereas in new commercial plantations it is represented at the rate of 20-25%.

The fruit is large, seldom very large (on young trees or under optimal conditions of tree nourishment), pyriform, with a narrow neck, very much variable in shape. Though the fruit is so large as to attain 300-400 gr. of weight, the stem holds well, not permitting the fruit to drop from wind. Beurré Bosk is very much susceptible to the attacks of Laspeyresia poimonella, but not so scab.

Skin thin, at harvest maturity of an ashy-brown colour, at full maturity of a golden yellow colour glistening through this covering, with sometimes golden pink radiant stripes on the sunny side. Appearance in the whole not very attractive.

Flesh very tender, paper white, melting, aromatic, of a very pleasant flavour, making Buerré Bosk fall into the class of exquisite dessert and table sorts.

Crop ripens in the beginning of October or at the end of September; fruits keep till the middle of November.

The peculiar features of Beurré Bosk are: medium growth; early bearing; regular fruiting; late blooming; self-sterile flowers, with Williams and Pass-Crassane as good pollinators, cold resistant regardless of the weak constitution of the tree; sometimes parthenocarpic fruits; undequisitiveness to environment, absence of affinity with the quince, necessitating, double working; giving heavy yeilds and good fruits only under conditions of optimal nourishment and warm location.

Beurré Bosk is the best of dessert and a good canning sort. In respect of all these excellent qualities it is admitted in the commercial assortment of many countries.


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