Georgian Libraries Invited to Participate in Sustainable Development Project

Dear Readers, 

The National Library of the Parliament of Georgia is delighted to inform you that, with the support of the Forum of the European National Libraries and the Public Library of Lithuania, specifically the Emmanuel Kant Public Library of the Klaipeda Region Municipality, we are initiating a partnership opportunity within the scope of the "Blue Libraries" project. Our aim is to establish collaboration with libraries in the coastal region of Georgia.
The project revolves around the theme of the blue economy and young entrepreneurs, seeking to highlight the potential of sustainable production through the utilization of marine resources. Recognizing water as a crucial component for sustainable economic development, the project holds significance for all stakeholders involved.

Supported by the European Union and various educational organizations across Europe, this initiative sees participation from libraries in Lithuania, Latvia, and Norway. Together, we are committed to raising awareness about the blue economy and providing educational opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. As part of the project, a conference will be convened to showcase avenues for socially responsible production, strategies for preserving the ecology of the Baltic Sea, and pathways for fostering entrepreneurship through educational initiatives. Organizations keen on advancing sustainable development and the blue economy are cordially invited to join us as partners.
This project not only serves to enhance the role of libraries as educational centers but also facilitates the adoption of innovative methodologies. We envisage the establishment of a regional library network, active engagement in educational ventures, and the development of a technical platform alongside comprehensive training programs.
For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at