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Database:PD3 - Periodicals – Display Format 

By Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

Generalities. Incl. Science and knowledge.Organization. Information.Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions.Publications.  --  0*
Philosophy. Psychology.  --  1*
Religion.Theology.  --  2*
Social sciences. Statistics. Politics. Economics. Trade.Law. Government. Military affairs. Welfare. Insurance.Education. Folklore.  --  3*
Mathematics and natural sciences.  --  5*
Applied sciences.Medicine.Technology.  --  6*
The arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport.  --  7*
Language. Linguistics. Literature.  --  8*
Geography. Biography. History.  --  9*
Common Auxiliaries
Common auxiliaries of language  --  =*
Common auxiliaries of form  --  (0*
International.  --  (1*
Physiographic designation.  --  (2*
Places of the ancient and mediaeval world.  --  (3*
Location. Europe.  --  (4*
Location. Asia.  --  (5*
Location. Africa.  --  (6*
Location. North and Central America.  --  (7*
Location. South America. States and regions of South America. Latin America.  --  (8*
Location. States and regions of the South Pacific and Australia. Arctic. Antarctic.  --  (9*
Common auxiliaries of race, ethnic grouping and nationality.  --  (=*