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  1. British writers / ed. under the auspices of the British Council ; gen. ed. Ian Scott-Klivert. - N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, [1979-1984]. - 28 cm.см.[MFN: 34793]

    Scott-Klivert, Ian (ed.); 
    British Council

    Vol. 5 : Elizabeth Gaskell to Francis Thompson. - [1982]. - xxviii, 452 p.. - Bibliogr. after chap.. - ISBN 0-684-16636-4[MFN: 34803]

    Content: Elizabeth Gaskell/Miriam Allott; William Makepeace Thackeray/John Carey; Charles Dickens/Barbara Hardy; Edward Lear/Joanna Richardson; Anthony Trollope/Hugh Sykes Davies; The Brontes/Winifred Gerin; Arthur Hugh Clough/Isobel Armstrong; John Ruskin/Peter Quennell; George Eliot/Lettice Cooper; Matthew Arnold/Kenneth Allott; George Meredith/Phyllis Bartlett; Dante Gabriel Rossetti/Oswald Doughty; Christina Rossetti/Georgina Battiscombe; Lewis Carroll/Derek Hudson; Leslie Stephen/Phyllis Grosskurth; William Morris/Philip Henderson; Algernon Charles Swinburne; Walter Horatio Pater/Ian Fletcher; Gerard Manley Hopkins/Graham Storey; Robert Louis Stevenson/G.B. Stern; Oscar Wilde/John Stokes; George Gissing/A.C. Ward; Francis Thompson/Peter Butter

    UDC: 821.111.092 + 821.111.09"18/19.." + 016:929(410)

    Allott, Miriam (auth.);  Carey, John (auth.);  Hardy, Barbara (auth.);  Richardson, Joanna (auth.);  Davies, Hugh Sykes (auth.);  Gerin, Winifred (auth.);  Armstrong, Isobel (auth.);  Quennell, Peter (auth.);  Cooper, Lettice (auth.);  Allott, Kenneth (auth.);  Bartlett, Phyllis (auth.);  Doughty, Oswald (auth.);  Battiscombe, Georgina (auth.);  Hudson, Derek (auth.);  Grosskurth, Phyllis (auth.);  Henderson, Philip (auth.);  Fletcher, Ian (auth.);  Storey, Graham (auth.);  Stern, G.B. (auth.);  Stokes, John (auth.);  Ward, A.C. (auth.);  Butter, Peter (auth.); 

    - ინგლისელი მწერლები; ინგლისური ლიტერატურა, XIX-XX ს.ს. - ისტორია და კრიტიკა; ინგლისელ მწერათა ბიობიბლიოგრაფია;

    IV 1.784 = A 821.111.092/B-86 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: Elizabeth Gaskell to Francis Thompson


  1. British writers / ed. under the auspices of the British Council ; gen. ed. Ian Scott-Klivert. - N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, [1979-1984]. - 28 cm.см.[MFN: 34793]

    Scott-Klivert, Ian (ed.); 
    British Council

    Vol. 6. - [1983]. - xxxiv, 460 p.. - Bibliogr. after chap.. - ISBN 0-684-16637-2[MFN: 34804]

    Content: Thomas Hardy/C.Day Lewis a. R.A. Scott-James; Henry James/Tony Tanner; Robert Bridges/John Sparrow; George Moore/A. Norman Jeffares; George Bernard Shaw/Margery M. Morgan; Joseph Conrad/C.B. Cox; A.E. Housman/Ian Scott-Kilvert; Rudyard Kipling/A.G. Sandison; William Butler Yeats/G.S. Fraser; H.G. Wells/Kenneth Young; John Galsworthy/Margery M. Morgan; Norman Douglas/Ian Greenlees; J.M. Synge and Lady Gregory/Elizabeth Coxhead; Ford Madox Ford/Kenneth Young; G.K. Chesterton/Christopher Hollis; Winston Churchill/John Connell; W.Somerset Maugham/Anthony Curtis; G.M. Trevelyan/J.H. Plumb; E.M. Forster/Philip Gardner; Poets of World War I/John Press; Wilfred Owen/Dominic Hibberd

    UDC: 821.111.092 + 821.111.09"18/19.." + 016:929(410)

    Lewis, C.Day (auth.);  Scott-James, R.A. (auth.);  Tanner, Tony (auth.);  Sparrow, John (auth.);  Jeffares, A. Norman (auth.);  Morgan, Margery M. (auth.);  Cox, C.B. (auth.);  Scott-Kilvert, Ian (auth.);  Sandison, A.G. (auth.);  Fraser, G.S. (auth.);  Young, Kenneth (auth.);  Morgan, Margery (auth.);  Greenlees, Ian (auth.);  Coxhead, Elizabeth (auth.);  Young, Kenneth (auth.);  Hollis, Christopher (auth.);  Connell, John (auth.);  Curtis, Anthony (auth.);  Plumb, J.H. (auth.);  Gardner, Philip (auth.);  Press, John (auth.);  Hibberd, Dominic (auth.); 

    - ინგლისელი მწერლები; ინგლისური ლიტერატურა, XIX-XX ს.ს. - ისტორია და კრიტიკა; ინგლისელ მწერალთა ბიობიბლიოგრაფია;

    IV 1.782 = A 821.111.092/B-86 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: Vol. 6


  1. British writers / ed. under the auspices of the British Council ; gen. ed. Ian Scott-Klivert. - N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, [1979-1984]. - 28 cm.см.[MFN: 34793]

    Scott-Klivert, Ian (ed.); 
    British Council

    Vol. 7 : Sean O'Casey to Poets of world war II. - [1984]. - xxxix, 450 p.. - Bibliogr. after chap.. - ISBN 0-684-16638-0[MFN: 34805]

    Content: Sean O'Casey/William A. Armstrong; Virginia Woolf/Bernard Blackstone; James Joyce/J.I.M. Stewart; Ivy Compton-Burnett/R. Glynn Grylls; Wyndham Lewis/Alastair Niven; Edith Sitwell/John Lehmann; T.S. Eliot/M.C. Bradbrook; Katherine Mansfield/Ian A. Gordon; Joyce Cary/Walter Allen; Aldous Huxley/Jocelyn Brooke; J.B. Priestley/Kenneth Young; F.R. Leavis/Edward Greenwood; Robert Graves/Martin Seymour-Smith; George Orwell/Tom Hopkinson; Evelyn Waugh/William Myers; Christopher Isherwood/Francis King; C.P. Snow/William Cooper; Anthony Powell/Bernard Bergonzi; John Betjeman/John Press; W.H. Auden/Richard Hoggart; Louis MacNeice; Poets of World War II/John Press

    UDC: 821.111.092 + 821.111.09"19.." + 016:929(410)

    Armstrong, William A. (auth.);  Blackstone, Bernard (auth.);  Stewart, J.I.M. (auth.);  Grylls, R. Glynn (auth.);  Niven, Alastair (auth.);  Lehmann, John (auth.);  Bradbrook, M.C. (auth.);  Gordon, Ian A. (auth.);  Allen, Walter (auth.);  Brooke, Walter (auth.);  Brooke, Jocelyn (auth.);  Young, Kenneth (auth.);  Greenwood, Edward (auth.);  Seymour-Smith, Martin (auth.);  Hopkinson, Tom (auth.);  Myers, William (auth.);  King, Francis (auth.);  Cooper, William (auth.);  Bergonzi, Bernard (auth.);  Press, John (auth.);  Hoggart, Richard (auth.);  Press, John (auth.); 

    - ინგლისელი მწერლები; ინგლისური ლიტერატურა, XX ს. - ისტორია და კრიტიკა; ინლისელ მწერალთა ბიობიბლიოგრაფია;

    IV 1.781 = A 821.111.092/B-86 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: Sean O'Casey to Poets of world war II


  1. British writers / ed. under the auspices of the British Council ; gen. ed. Ian Scott-Klivert. - N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, [1979-1984]. - 28 cm.см.[MFN: 34793]

    Scott-Klivert, Ian (ed.); 
    British Council

    Vol. 8 : Index. - [1984]. - 145 p.. - ISBN 0-684-17417-0[MFN: 34806]

    UDC: 821.111.092 + 821.111.09 + 016:929(410)

    - ინგლისელი მწერლები; ინგლისური ლიტერატურა - ისტორია და კრიტიკა; ინგლისელ მწერალთა ბიობიბლიოგრაფია;

    IV 1.785 = A 821.111.092/B-86 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: Index


  1. Левина, С. С.

    Военно-инженерное дело : Указатель литературы за 1944-1945 гг. / [Сост. С.С. Левина ; Ред. В.И. Шабалкин] ; Всесоюзная книжная палата. - Москва : Тип. Всесоюз. книжной палаты, 1946. - 60 [2] с. ; 19 см.см.. - Сост. и ред. указаны на обороте тит. л.. - 4 р. 50 к., 1500 экз.[MFN: 34807]

    UDC: 016:623

    Шабалкин, В.И. (ред.); 
    Всесоюзная книжная палата

    II 11.694 = 016:623/Л-363 - Reference and Bibliographic Division


    * Double: Военно-инженерное дело


  1. Михаил Викторович Кирпичев / Вступ. ст. М.А. Михеева и С.А. Скворцова ; Библиография составлена М.И. Чижовой ; [Ред.: С.И. Вавилов (гл. ред.), А.В. Топчиев, О.В. Исакова, Е.С. Лихтенштейн (отв. ред.). - М. ; Л. : Изд-во АН СССР, 1949 (2-я тип. Изд-ва АН СССР). - 28 (4) с. + [1] вкл. л. портр. ; 16 см.см.. - (Материалы к биобиблиографии ученых СССР/АН СССР. Серия технических наук. Энергетика ; Вып. 2). - 1 р. 50 коп., 2000 экз.[MFN: 34808]

    UDC: 016:621.1

    Михеева, М.А.Скворцова, С.А.Чижова, М.И. (сост.);  Вавилов, С.И. (ред.);  Топчиев, А.В. (ред.);  Исакова, О.В. (ред.);  Лихтенштейн, Е.С. (ред.); 

    Person Name:
    - Кирпичев Михаил Викторович;

    II 8.636 = 016:621.1/М-69 - Reference and Bibliographic Division


    * Double: Михаил Викторович Кирпичев


  1. GMAT : bThe offical guide for GMAT review. - 12th ed.. - [Hoboken] : Wiley, [2009]. - 839 p. ; 27 cm.см.. - (Study Aids/GMAT). - ISBN 978-0-470-44974-5[MFN: 34809]

    UDC: 371.277.2:61 + 61(076.3)

    - ტესტები სამედიცინო სასწავლებელში შემსვლელთათვის; მედიცინა - ტესტები;

    IV 1.786 = A 61/G-10 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: GMAT


  1. Hasik, James

    GMAT : bMcGraw-Hill's GMAT / James Hasik, Stacey Rudnick, Ryan Hackney. - 2008th ed.. - N.Y. [et al.] : McGraw Hill, [2007]. - xviii, 487 p. ; 28 cm.см.. - (Test preparation). - ISBN 978-0-07-149384-0[MFN: 34810]

    UDC: 371.277.2:61 + 61(076.3)

    Rudnick, Stacey (auth.);  Hackney, Ryan (auth.); 

    - ტესტები სამედიცინო სასწავლებელში შემსვლელთათვის; მედიცინა - ტესტები;

    IV 1.787 = A 61/G-10 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: GMAT


  1. Goodman, Eric

    GMAT 800 : intensive practice for the toughest questions / Eric Goodman ; and the Staff of Kaplan Test Prep a. Admissions. - 2007-2008 ed.. - N.Y. ; Chicago : Kaplan, [2006]. - xii, 386 p. ; 28 cm.см.. - ISBN 978-1-4195-5096-6[MFN: 34811]

    UDC: 371.277.2:61 + 61(076.3)

    The Staff of Kaplan Test Prep a. Admissions

    - ტესტები სამედიცინო სასწავლებელში შემსვლელთათვის; მედიცინა - ტესტები;

    IV 1.788 = A 61/G-10 - English and Anglo-American Literature Reading Hall


    * Double: GMAT 800


  1. Austin, Oliver L.

    Birds of the world : a survey of the twenty-seven orders a. one hundred a. fifty-five families / by Oliver L. Austin ; ed. by Herbert S. Zim ; ill. by Arthur Singer. - New York : Golden press, [c.1961]. - 316 p. : ill. ; 34 cm.см.[MFN: 34812]

    UDC: 598.2(035)

    Zim, Herbert S. (ed.);  Singer, Arthur (ill.); 

    - ირნიტოლოგია; ფრინველები-ცნობარები;

    E 5.635/5 = 598.2(035)/A-93 - Reference and Bibliographic Division


    * Double: Birds of the world



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