
G. Askerkhanov, S. Adilkhanov

The Thrombolitic Therapy and the Thrombectomy of Acute Venouse Thrombosis

The results of treatment of 149 patients with acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis were analized.

105 patients received thrombolitic therapy and were randomly divided into four treatment groups. In the first treatment group 41 patients were injected the intravenouse infusion (IVI) of streptokynase. 22 second group underwent regionary infusion (RI) of streptokynase. For 27 patients of the third RI was combined with paravenouse instillation of curative mixture (PICM). Curative mixture consisted of heparine (5000 ME), hydrocortison (50 ME), chimotripsin (10 mg), 150 ml 0,25 per cent of solution of novocaine and was injected to paravenouse tissue of obstructed segments. In the fourth treatment group 15 patients received PICM with intrathrombotic infusion (ITI) streptokynase.

The ITI of streptokynase combined with PICM permits to improve results of thrombolitic therapy, to restoration of highway blood during 72 hours from the begining of disease in 66.7% of patients, in the period of 4-7 days we achieve partial restoration and early recanalization.

The surgical treatment underwent 44 patients with the acute iliofemoral venouse thrombosis. 23 patients of first group were effected traditional venouse thrombectomy, 21 patients of the second group were subjected offered by us of the operation.

The offered method of surgical treatment and preventive rethrombosis permits to raise efficiency of thrombectomy and escape operative pulmonary embolism, radically removes thrombosis masses from vena iliaca, preserves competence valves, decreases frequency of rethrombosis.


Daghestan State Medical Academy
