History, Archaeology, Ethnography

M. Natsvaladze

Genesis of the Russian Imperial Ideology and Stages of its Further Transformation

Towards the actuality of the questions, research complications and for definition of the methodology

The idea of restoration of the Russian empire, being rather popular in present-day Russia, is directed against vital interests of Russia itself. The duty of historiography is to globally analyze these problems which are rather urgent nowadays as the Russian society is not ready yet to understand the truth repeatedly confirmed by the world historical process - aggression shown to another country turns to be a tragedy first of all for the conqueror itself.

The scientific potential of the European and post-Soviet countries is quite large. These countries must form a scientific trend that will aim to show the imperial idea from different points clearly revealing inexpediency of the imperial idea as the main basis of the state.

The Russian imperial ideology nowadays is quite different from its original character and it prolonged its existence by means of later transformations. At present, when a definite dissonance between the Russian imperial ideology and the existed reality is quite evident, the Russian historiography has to make a choice - either, according to old tradition, searching for a transformed type of the new imperial ideology enabling the former to be practically used is to continued or the imperial ideology as a main support of the Russian policy is to be definitely rejected.

The research of the problem is based on three methodological principles: 1) To examine the problem against the world-historical background; 2) Dialectical analysis of problem; 3) Adherence to the principle of historism;

During the research of the problem meets two main difficulties: a two-step stage of research and a large-scale chronological framework of the problem.


National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
