
R. Mamporia

Terrorism in North Caucasus and Georgia

Terrorism is the biggest problem of modern mankind, to which against must fight any country, because in case of ignorance they themselves would be across of this problem. Some of the countries understand differently to take part in antiterrorist campaign, because several states try to reach private interests by the slogan of fighting against terrorism. Russia chose the same political way towards Caucasus. Analytics expect the aggravation of situation in Caucasus. Russia itself will "carry of" it, in order to shift the blame of its mistakes and weakness against terrorists on others and cover them with "severe measures".

The first victim of "foreign" share of Russian Government may appear in Georgia. So, the aggravation of situation in North Caucasus isn’t in interests of Georgia. In opposite case Russia will have a chance to compose a free area in Caucasian, especially in Georgia (Pankisi and Kodori gorge) with the mask of fighting against terrorism, by which will be the guaranty of consolidation the positions of Russia in Caucasus.


Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University