
I. Bagdoniene

From the "Apocalypses" to Decadence

In this literary work are analyzed the some aspects of Apocalypse genre, which will be reflected later in works of symbolists, who used them as a base for their literary experiences. During its many-years existence the Apocalypse genre changed, but in the same time there was a phenomenon of new motives and new interesting directions in it.

Trough the Middle Age epoch and to the modernistic new century – this is a trajectory of Apocalypse genre's movement, from the time of its beginning.

The Russian symbolists often use the West model of Apocalypse genre. They have as a base the fact, that the West religious philosophy in that time was ecumenistic and varied.

Analyzing the works of D. Merezhkovski and other authors of Silver Age we can see, that the Apocalypse genre was not only transformed by symbolists, but it was created by them in many ways, and later their model of Apocalypse genre will be canonic.


Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
