
T. Megrelishvili

The Autobiographysm in V. Khodasevitch's Prose


The autobiographysm as a phenomenon stands near the memoirs genre. For the biographic prose of Russian emigration is necessary the condition of person's auto-modelling in text. The popular phenomenon becomes the modelling of main hero's person by the type of the author's person. This is the united rule for the documental, and for the belles-lettres literature.

In biographic story "Derzhavin" Khodasevitch builds an image of his main hero by the auto-modelling type. The base of the model becomes one for the author and hero the feeling of creativity like the classic harmony, and also the feeling of unity in creativity and common activities.

Khodasevitch gives his hero the thoughts and feelings, which were the reflection of the existential mind of Khodasevitch about the troubles in Russia and the first ten years of "Russian foreign country" existing. In the relationship with this reflection the creativity as a method of person's self-expression lose, by Khodasevitch mind, the whole sense. The civility as an important part of Russian poetry, by Khodasevitch`s mind, cannot be normally realized in emigrants creativity.

By this position Khodasevitch proposes his own interpretation of Derzhavin's person and creates his image as the "inside-emigrant". By the personal Khodasevitch's thoughts in this work also is motivated the Derzhavin's refusal from the poetry.

All these moments in this work make Derzhavin the expresser of author's mind's model. This story because of autobiographysm's presence in it takes the bright memoirs character.


Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
