
N. Kipiani

About the Phenomenon of so Called "Hardening" of an Epithet

This phenomenon was discussed by F. Buslaev, A. Veselovski, F. Mikloshich. They used the epithet "white" as an example in expressions "blackamoor's white hands", "blackamoor's white throat" in Serbian epos. The authoritative opinion of the XIX century's scientists is repeated by contemporary scientists.

The understanding of the epithet "white" should be lead not only from the position of new time literary language, from its poetics and aesthetics, but from the position of poetics of folklore. In the Serbian epos the epithet "white" has not only the meaning of color. "White" is expression of the beautiful and the best.

"Blackamoor's white hands" ("Белые руки арапа") means epic hero's powerful hands and the expression "закричать белым горлом" means "to shout at the top of ones voice".


Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University