
Religion- Tbilisi: Samshoblo - 2003 - NN 1-2-3 - 96 p. - Bibl. in the End of Each Article - in Georgian.

In the article of Z. Kiknadze "The Book of Denteronomi" (chepters 1-5) are discussed the problems concerning the name of the fifth book of Pentateuch its authorship, structure and purpose. Chapters 1-5 contain the brief survey of the traveling of Israel from Egypt to the plains of Moab. Moses reminds the people some crucial events (miracles, triumphs, failures) on the way during 40 years.

The present paper of D. Kirtadze "On the problem of Khandzta and Shatberdi Location" deals with two toponyms in the book "Life of St. Grigol of Khandzta", namely the issue regarding localization of Khandzta and Shatberdi. The paper observes the epoch in which St. Grigol conducted his activities. It also analyses the viewpoints of different scholars and travellers concerning the location of the monuments mentioned above.

The article "Problem of rationalism in studies of Cartesius and Hussers" by G. Gvasalia claims, that in rational idealism the God takes concrete place. In study of Cartesius the meaning of God turn into rational understanding.

Husserl elaborates the idea of Cartesius, erases the distinction between rationalism and irrationalism.

The paper of M. Ghlonti "Towards "the enemy" and "the friend" (the neighbour) of "The Wisdom of Fiction" by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani" deals with the opposed couple: "the enemy" - "the friend", which consist of two Christian moral categories. The artistic face of the enemy who brings multi-form dangers and destroys the soul of his victim on the one hand and the artistic face of the "friend" (the neighbour) on the other hand are analysed.

The article of V. Zelinski "The benefit of life: from the Bioethics to the great wisdom (attempt of the orthodox comprehension)" deals with difficultt ethical - biological problems of the changes of genetic code of the man and so-called "embryonic therapy". The word "ethics" here must be the synonym of defence of creature and its masterpiece, which by saying of Augustine is "glory of the God - live man".

The article "The problem of the Euthanasia in the Bioethics" by B. Mamulashvili regards ethical and religion aspects of euthanasia. Euthanasia is not acceptable from ethical and religion points of view, but also in legal context. The basic guiding principle for doctors in relation with the patients doomed to death is "do not kill". If euthanasia ever becomes officially lawful, doctors will be charged to execute it and loss of confidence of society into the medicine is inevitable.

The article "Religion and new reproductive technologies" by N. Kuparadze reviews the application of two principle methods (artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization) from ethical and religious points of view.

Artificial insemination means female fertilization with the sperm husband (AIH) or the sperm donor (AID). In vitro fertilization (IVF) means the fertilization "in glass" (i.e.e. beyond the female organism). Such technology gives the opportunity the created embryo to be transferred (implanted) into the womb of a genetic or a substitute - "Surrogate" mother.

The other concludes that AID and IVF are in conflict with moral and religious positions.

The article of M. Tsiklauri "Chapels of the Arkhoti and Neighbouring Communities" deals with historical and ethnographic sources on the relations of the Arkhoti community and chapels with neighbouring ones. There is a legend of Elimardza, an ethnic Kist from the village of Shavana, performing a religious ritual -so-called "Mebekuroba", in the chapel of Arkhoti region.

It is explained by approach of Islam on pagan-christian belief of the Kists, compelled to search for spiritual food in the Arkhoti chapels.

G. Tkemaladze's paper "On the problem of understanding some places in "The Hymn of Penitence" on the basis of the analysis of the old manuscripts of "the Hymn of Penitence" by the famous King David the Builder, also of the texts given in the editions by G. Khelidze, M. Sabinin, T. Zhordania, I. Ekaladze, S. Kubaneishvili, P. Ingorokva, K. Kekelidze, states the reasons substantially distinguished from taken roots representations about some places of a named monument.

The article of I. Tsereteli and J. Wallace "The way to the Orthodoxy" features the possibilities of the change of religion. The authors try to show the factors which may cause such change. American theologist J.B. Wallace shares with his own story of his perceptions and feelings that prompted him the way to the orthodox faith. I. Tsereteli and J.B. Wallace try to show, that the faith and religion has to be chosen not only on tradition, the choice should be caused consciously, on spiritual experience.

Religion- Tbilisi: Samshoblo - 2003 - NN 4-5-6 - 96 p. - Bibl. in the End of Each Article - in Georgian.

The article of Z. Kiknadze "The Book of Deuteronomy (Chapters 5-11)" deals with the second reference of Moses to the people. He secondarily states the Ten Commandments, reminds of duties of the elected people before the God, about divine love becoming sole reason of election, about God's love on all ways of their wandering, etc. Moses offers the blessing and damnation to Israel.

The article of M. Glonti "The Gift and the Envy" (For Ten Commandments and Nine Blesses)" claims, that we are given the gift from God. We have been given from God for giving to others like him - that is the godlike law of receiving of gift.

The envy comes from the evil. The envy is desire of something that belongs to somebody. Keeping of Ten Commandments is cutting off desire. Nine blesses equip us with Christ's gift and keep us from the attack of the evil envy.

The article of E. Bubulashvili "The Church Politics of Tsarism in Georgia and its Results (The Second Half of the XIX c.)" deals with the mission policy of Tsarism in the second half of the XIX  c. Theological schools under the exarchate command carried on imperial policy of Russia as well.

The active confrontation and resistance of Georgian clergy, publish men and citizens against anti-church policy of Tsarism takes a significant place in the article.

The article of S. Vardosanidze "Tskhum-Abkhazian Eparchy and its Bishops in the 20th century" deals with the problem that after abolishing of the canonization of Georgian church, the Russian church leaders wanted to move off the Tskhum - Abkhazian eparchy from Georgia. Georgian ecclesiastic council tried its best for the restoration of the jurisdiction of Georgian church in Abkhazia. The most important part in this case played metropolitans Ambrosi Khelaia, Ioane Margishvili, Anton Gigineishvili, Leonide Zhvania and patriarch Ilya the Second.

The L. Tsitskhvaia's paper "The Blossoming Cross" Motive in Georgian Facade Decoration" is argued the point, that ancient motive of "The Blossoming Cross" is one of the most popular element of the Georgian architecture facade decoration. This type of the cross is a conventional model of coexistence of the Christian origin motive with pagan origin motive of the Life Tree. Two best examples of this motive are depicted on the facades of Khakhuli (the second half of the 10th c.) and Ishkhani (1006) chapels in Tao-Klarjethi.

The article of V. Ramishvili "The Paradigm of Christ and Heidegger's Ontology" presents that comprehending the metaphysical wholeness of the universe and explaining the possibility of "seinsverstandnis" Heidegger based not on a Platonic solution of the problem but on a Christian experience and therefore he uses the Holy Trinity and Christ paradigm. It is pointed out that the relationship a man - an existence does not have a nature of a leap but of meeting, cooperation. This can be understood by the Christ paradigm.

The article of N. Baratashvili "Aspects of Relation between Politics and Religion" reveals the issues of relation between politics and religion. The author discusses some aspects of religion in connection with globalization, particularly, the issues concerning political, economic and social stabilization in sovereign and especially in developing countries.

The article "Round Table "Euthanasia - the Problem of contemporaneity" offers a detailed discussion of the recent problems. The authors I. Siluianova, A. Zakariadze, D. Gegeshidze, V. Akhaladze, R. Shengelia examine philosophical, onto-theological, historical, anthropological, social, medical aspects of the problem. The problem is viewed from the position of Orthodox Church.

Religion- Tbilisi: Samshoblo - 2003 - N 7-8-9 - 96 p. - Bibl. in the End of Each Article - in Georgian.

The article of Z. Kiknadze "The Book of Deuteronomy (Chapters 12-15)" considers the chapters, where Moses states the main decisions and laws. The instructions on annual burnt offerings and sacrifice on the place chosen by God (by a principle - one God, one sanctuary).

The article of E. Kochlamazashvili "Fragments of "Pearls" of St. John the Chrysostom in the collection of translations by Euthymius of Athos" considers the manuscript - A445, saved in the K. Kekelidze Institute of manuscripts of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. The manuscript contains fragments of the "Pearl" of St. John the Chrysostom, translated by Euthymius of Athos in the 10th century. There is the ancient manuscript of the mentioned monument.

The article of M. Glonti "Be Merciful..." (The Parable of the Good Samaritan)" presents theological meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan. "Some man" (mankind) has got to the robbers (sin), but Samaritan - Jesus Christ, which has left from heavens, has regretted him and has rescued from eternal death.

The paper of N. Gengiuri "Kuppel-Halle" Type Churches in Medieval Georgian Architecture" demonstrates peculiarities of the origin and development of one of the types of Christian cultic architecture "Kuppel-Halle" in Georgia. Basic features of this type churches are shown according to the stages of the development of Georgian architecture, from the 8th century, the time when the first specimen of the "Kuppel Halle" is found, to 1806, when the last church of this type was built. On the basis of the review, the author arrives at the conclusion that this type followed its own path of origin and development in Georgia.

The article of J. Meskhia "Economics and the Christian Moral" investigates the theoretical aspects of compatibility of market economy and the Christian moral, and draws conclusion about broadening scales of criminal-shadow economy during the transition period. Principal negative factors stimulating development of corruption in the economy of Georgia are revealed.

The article "Islam in the Contemporary World" by R. Tsikvadze claims, that religious separatism, which was formed in the Islamic World and shown as the international terrorism, causes serious danger to the contemporary world. The sects destroy integrity of Islamic faith as well as the principle of national statehood and put into opposition Eastern and Western Worlds. War against the terrorism is neither the war of civilizations nor of Islam, as the rejection from the religion. The article shows primary purposes of different Islamic religious-political organizations, their specific activities and also, quantitative characteristics of Moslems worldwide.

The article of N. Kuparadze "Ethical and Religious Aspects of Transfusiology (transfusion)" refers to the need for dealing with the religious, moral/ethical and legal problems associated with transfusiology, what is reconditioned of the rapid development and the importance of this field, as well as a new enhanced focus on human (the patient's) rights throughout the world. The author believes that one of the basic ethical principles in transfusion is the principle "Do not harm!" - while others are principles of anonymity and free will of the donor and the recipient, including the patient's right to refuse to receive a blood transfusion (e.g. the position taken by "Jehovah's Witness" on the issue). In the author's opinion, Christian teachings are not against blood transfusion if it is administered for medical reasons and free of chargees.

Religion- Tbilisi: Samshoblo - 2003 - N 10-11-12 - 96 p. - Bibl. in the End of Each Article - in Georgian.

The article of Z. Kiknadze "The Book of Numbers" (31-36) presents the following episodes and topics of the last chapters of Numbers: The war of vengeance (the holy war) against Midian. The Reubenites and Gadites chose the territory on the east of Jordan. The List of Israel's encampments: there are 42 encampments in four stages. Appointment of 48 levitical cities and 6 cities of refuge. The marriage of heiresses. They have been necessarily married into a clan of their father's tribe, in purpose that the heritage of their father would not be transferred to another tribe.

The article "Problem of Mutual Relation of Belief and Knowledge in Messages of Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Ilya the Second" by V. Akhaladze develops an idea not only on necessity of synthesis belief and knowledge, not only of a primate of belief, but also of interaction of heart and reason on the basis of true spirituality and morals. The solution of basic ethical problems of biomedicine, economics, science, politics is inconceivable on the basis of just rationalistic world perception - trying to be only one social significant power, the human mind could aggravate the spiritual and moral crisis of civilization.

In the article "Kirion the Second in Abkhazia" L. Sanikidze claims, that Kirion was appointed to the position of a bishop of Sukhumi in 1906. As a result of one-year fruitful diverse activity in the eparchy of Sukhumi, he managed to improve non-Christian, non-human actions made by Russian chauvinist bishops, worked there before him.

The paper of K. Guntsadze "Max Sheler about different ideas of a man" is devoted to Max Sheler which described five ideas about a man, those were formed during the period of European way of thinking. First of them is Jewish-Christian (Biblical) imaginations about a man, theological anthology; second is the ancient Greek idea about a man – classical philosophical anthropology; the third is naturalistic-scientific understanding; the fourth is the concepts of philosophy of life about a men, and the fifth is the new kind of atheism according to H. Kerler and N. Hartman.

The article of R. Khojava "Bible and Music" mainly has an informational character. The article mentions about the great importance of the music in the Holy Scripture. Several cites from patristic literature are also given. The main book where God is worshipped is Psalms by King David.

The article of M. Kobakhidze "The Peculiarity of Faith in Islam and Buddhism (On the Example of Prayer)" presents that prayer happens to be essential component within practice of all the different religious. All religion is founded on prayer. The theory of religion is really the philosophy of prayer. The aim of this article is to show the difference between Islam and Buddhism based of prayer. In Islam the prayer is a compulsory act for believers while there is no "prayer" in Buddhism.

D. Gegeshidze in the paper "Bioethics: interscientific knowledge, methodology, based on Christian point of view" claims, that studying the bioethical problems, medical, biological, theological, philosophical and juridical sciences meets to one another. That's why the results of their analyzes and practical decisions are much depended on cooperation among the researchers of different spheres.

The article "Concerning the subject on relationship between civil society and church" by T. Barbakadze claims, that before restoration of independence of Georgia religion in this country was an object of political and ideological oppression by the state. The situation has changed since 1990. Church has received support from the state.

