
Ethnicity and nationalism. Proceedings of Inter-Institute Seminar at the Georgian Academy of Sciences. - Tbilisi: Intelecti. 2002. - N 1.- 135 p.

The volume is a collection of papers by the participants of Inter-Institute Seminar Ethnicity and Nationalism at the Georgian Academy of Sciences. The representatives of various fields of social sciences and humanities present their opinions concerning the ethnos and nation and other social phenomena closely linked with them: L. Pataridze. Eri as Notion and as a Concept in the Past and Today; Z. Kiknadze. From the Notion of Natesavi to the Notion of Eri; Z. Kvertskhishvili. Apropos the Concept of Nation (Eri); M. Khidasheli. Ethnic Consciousness in the Archaic Period; M. Chkhartishvili. The History of Conversion of Georgia in Light of Ethnic Studies; G. Tevzadze. Ideology and Commentary in the Medieval Georgia (10-12 th cc); L. Khubashvili. At the Source of Italian Nationalism and State System (13-15th cc); Z. Tkeshelashvili. Religion and Ideology in the Georgian State; D. Chumburidze. An Idea of Independence and Georgian Intelligentsia by the End of the 19th c and at the Beginning of the 20th c; G. Kipiani. Contradiction in National Consciousness: Georgian Public Discourse and Youth; E. Menabdishvili. Ethnic and Cultural Value Orientations of Nationalities residing in Georgia; Sh. Apridonidze. Ethnonyms in the Service of Ideology (in Post-Soviet Georgia); Z. Davitashvili. Types of Nationalism in the Globalized World.

The brief summaries of the papers in Georgian and English are given at the end of the collection. The volume is intended for readers interested in Ethnic and National Studies: academics, policymakers, and representatives of the media.

Collection based on a Georgian Academy of Sciences' resolution. Publication is provided with the financial support of the Fund for Development of Sciences and Technologies.

