
Georgian Journal of Psychology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 1999 - N 1 - in Georgian.

T. Abashidze. The Developent of Set in the Process of Reasoning. In the study the differentiation of set in the process of logical thinking is discussed. The influence of emotional factor on logical reasoning is also outlined. Author has attempted to ascertain whether the content of the syllogism could have any meaning in judgment of the validity of this syllogism. Some experiments were conducted in order to determine whether the subject is able to separate logical form from the content. The method consisted of presenting a test of 16 syllogistic problems that were judged for their validity. The syllogisms were of two kinds differing in the nature of the subject matter: half concerned with controversial matters likely to arouse some affective response, and half of neutral nature. It was found that aroused affective processes had a negative influence on reasoning processes. Most subjects solved neutrally toned syllogisms more correctly than emotionally toned syllogisms.

M. Baliashvili. The Influence of Variosly Induced Objective Self-awareness on Self-evaluation. The influence of objective Self-awareness on Self-evaluation is studied. In accordance with the theory of objective Self-awareness, objective Self-awareness activates ideal Self, increases the discrepancy between real Self and ideal Self and thus, decreases Self-evaluation. The decreased Self-evaluation promotes improvement of behavior and in this way restores the decreased Self-evaluation. The series of experiments to check this hypothesis showed that the objective Self-awareness induced by mirror or other's observation really influences Self-evaluation but in its increase and also in decrease of the distance between real Self and ideal Self. This fact is equally observed while inducing the Objective Self-awareness both by mirror and other's observation.

D. Berekashvili. Understanding of Emotion in Uznadze Set Theory and Contemporary Viewvs. The nature of emotions has been basically reconsidered recently. The emphasis is transferred from the destructive function of emotion to adaptive one. The present article shows that the latest views on psychological nature of emotion were anticipated by the understanding of emotion on the basis of set theory (D.Uznadze and his follower D. Ramishvili).

Sh. SadsagliSvili, L. Ioiseliani, , M. Buidze. For Learning Aggression in Different Population (Adaptation of the Gottschalk-Gleser Content-Analysis Method). What is more important for the formation of Aggression? To support the viewpoint that situational factors are more important than instinct we have investigated two groups: the children who live in families (20 male, 10 female) and the street children (22 male, 8 female) age (9-19).By our hypothesis street children would be more aggressive than children who live in families. Street children are more frustrated, have lower status and live in a hostile environment.Verbal data has been subjected to analysis by Gottschalk-Gleser content analysis scales of anxiety, hostility directed outward (overt, covert), hostility directed inward, ambivalent hostility and hope. Comparison by T-Test revealed significant high scores of street children on hostility directed outward-overt, ambivalent hostility and separation anxiety.

K. Inasaridze. Attitudes of Society toward Epileptic Persons. In the changing of personality during epilepsy one of the most significant factors is environmental, particularly social environmental factor. To study the environmental factors during epilepsy attitudes of society toward epilepsy as illness and epileptic persons in different life situations were investigated. The questionnaire investigating society's attitudes was composed.. The questionnaire was processed according to respondents sex, age, level of education and profession: doctor - not doctor. Public opinion study showed that respondents didn't consider epilepsy as the mental disease. They have loyal relation to epileptic persons in all life situations. They didn't consider epileptic patients as antisocial and criminal persons. They didn't want to marry them and to have children from them, but they wanted to be friends with them. The most significant factor for attitudes is level of education.

N. Javakhishvili. Relation between Temperament Types and Self-control. The objective of the article is to study relation between types of temperament and self-control. Temperament Types were studied by EPI, and self-control by the corresponding questionnaire designed in 1992 especially for georgian population on the basis of existing foreign questionnaires. Research was carried out on 615 subjects (247 male, 368 females), age 17-60. Results have shown that there is significant difference among self-control mean scores: 7.58 for choleric, 8,18 for phlegmatic, 8,22 for sanguine and 8,48 for melancholic types. This results coincide with our hypothesis, but one score: that of sanguine type. This relatively high score of sanguine temperament might be explained by some other factors, low neuroticism being one of them.

Journal of Georgian Psychology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 1999 - N 2 - in Georgian.

D. Parjanadze. The Problem of Implicit Memory. Implicit memory has been the focus of both theoretical and experimental activity over for last two-three decades. In the article is given review of the most important theoretical positions and methodology of experimental investigation. For a little over the decade the prevailing theoretical attitudes have undergone significant change. Whereas repetition priming and other manifestations of implicit memory were initially viewed as low level perceptual phenomena, consensus has gradually moved towards a more complex view involving higher-level cognitive processes.

I. Shvania. Personal Features and social Opinions as Objectives of Self-evaluation. The study provides an assessment of the hypothesis, following people prefer to think their own best features are unique. As far as their opinions are concerned, however, people think that they are commonly shared. In order to test above mentioned hypothesis we have conducted the experiment. The method we have used consisted of three questionnaires in order to gain three types of information. One group of students named their best personal feature and then estimated the percentage of their peers who are also very good at the same activity. The other group of students named personally important opinion and estimated the percentage of peers who would hold the same position that they do. As predicted it was found that people imagine their bst features were unique.

N Sumbadze, U. Hentshel, C. Bijleveld. Frendship Features. The study investigates both readily observable and less manifest features of friendship. Age at friendship formation, length of friendship, frequency of contact, gender composition of friendship pairs and age difference between the friends are identified. Less manifest features of friendship are studied with a specially for the study designed checklist of relationship features. Using principal component analysis, respondents evaluations of friendship features are reduced to four factors, namely attraction, authenticity, sharing and similarity. The influence of closeness, age and gender of respondents, gender composition of friendship and the age of friendship formation on these four factors are further examined. Results point to the great importance of attraction for friendship. Age did not influence evaluation, but gender has an impact on evaluation.

T. Gurchiani. About the Relation between the Family and Disease. The issue of family factors during the rise, development and duration of various types of chronic diseases, is one of the most difficult questions of the clinical psychology. Interest to the family factors is natural, as it respondents exactly the institution where forming of the major needs and satisfying of social demands of human being are taking place. In the article is discussed the major difficulties concerned with research of family factors, problem of causality in modern psychosomatic medicine, nowadays empirical situation in research of family and future perspectives.

K. Chanturia. Cognitive and Set Components in Study of Anorexia and Bulimia. This is pilot study of Eating Disorder Patients with test batary including: Autobiographical memory test (Williams), Future thinking task, Measure of parental style (mops), investigation of fixational set(Uznadze). 77 people took part in experiment: 25 patients with Anorexia nervosa, 15 with bulimia and 27 controls, who never had eating problems in past. Main significant results so far:

  1. Patients with eating disorders have difficulties with specific memory.
  2. Patients have more negative future thoughts, then healthy controls. Also in verbal fluency task they were less productive.
  3. In MOPS patients had different results from controls, mother indifference and father abuse were much higher.
  4. Uznadze set Paradigm showed differences in perceptual style of all groups, namely, anorexics persist with rigid style (static grobe), whereas bulimic women persist with a fluctuating pattern of illusion (static-plastic).

M. Kuchukhidze. Method of Ego Conditions Study. The aim of the study was to develop a questionnaire for personal conditions proposed for transaction analysis school. We were based on E. Bern at all ideas on Ego conditions and forms of their display, It was chosen everyday life situations that were to raise certain response from subjects. Experts have defined possible answers on situations according to each ego condition. The answers were assessed by other experts according to their content correspondence to ego conditions. The questionnaire was empirically validated-expert validation, and test-retested. Finally was received a questionnaire that measures a possibility of activation of a leading ego condition, or the most frequently expected ego condition in a person.

Journal of Georgian Psychology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 2000 - N 3 - in Georgian.

L. Surmanidze, L. Lomineishvili. Regarding Architectural Artifacts in Humans Perception. The object of the experiment was to establish associative links between the architectural artifacts and geometrical designs. The circle is thought to be non cognitive symbol of architectural artifact positively included into vital field whereas the zigzag with its bare asymmetrical angles is its antonym representing disunity, infiniteness and therefore psychical discomfort and the non-cognitive reflection of dismantling the unity. 207 amateurs and 61 professionals took part in the study. The study has revealed the following: C.G. Yungs concept about projection of inner psychic reality on the outer reality by means of symbols was ascertained. Yungs theoretical-conceptual model shows that architecture has its impact on the entity of human being"s psyche thus activating his corresponding unconscious states.

N. Sumbadze. Social Schema. Article discusses the social schema. It starts by briefly outlining the importance of the social schema for the formation, maintenance and well functioning of relationships. The social schema has three components: the self-schema, the schema for the other and the relation schema. They all serve as a basis of perception and are enriched by the experience. It is examined how the self-schema plays a critical role in the sense that it is the most detailed and accessible and that perception of the self influence and moderates the actual perception of events, others and relations. The schema for the others contains clusters of social groups. The relation schema is clustered around the relation types Like the self-schema da the schema for other, again this schema also influences the perception of actual experiences.

M. Baliashvili. Objective Self-awareness and it's Influence on Task Performance and Evaluation. According to objective self-awareness Theory consciousness of the self as an object acts as a feedback system, which forces the individual to examine aspects of himself in the light of his system of values. When attention is focused on the self and behavioral standard and attempts to conform to the standard. That would eventuate in improved performance. The study has been conducted on 121 students, they were divided into two groups. The series of experiments showed that the objective self-awareness induced by audio-tape influences performance pf the task, although the performance standard was not as salient. (As a task subjects were asked to elaborate on TAT picture). The influence of Objective Self-awareness manifests itself in the word count. Also, Objective Self-awareness influenced individuals subjective evaluation of his own performance.

K. Chanturia, S. Surguladze, P. Richter. The Clinical Manifestation of Depressive Disorders: Cross-cultural Aspects. The study aimed at exploration of symptomatological profiles of depressive disorders in Georgian population. This work represents a part of cross-cultural study of depression being carried on in different countries (Germany, Georgia, Romania and Brazil) and coordinated by the psychiatric Clinic of Heidelberg University. The study was conducted on 120 subjects in total, 60 healthy subjects belonged to control group. The results of the study showed that the depressive disorders in Georgian population had the same symptomatological profiles as described in the patients of Western cultures. High proportion of Georgian patients demonstrated. complaints concerned with certain bodily feelings. Presumably, some of the somatically presented complaints could serve as the culturally specific conventions expressing sad moods.

M. Mestwirishvili. Influence of Conflict's strength on Crisis Coping Strategies. The American Coping Strategy Indicator has been used for the studies with 40 individuals tested. Regularities of variations and stability of the Coping Strategy in relation with the level (from low to high) of conflict, are illustrated.

  1. For most of individuals the crisis situation coping strategies seem to be their stable personal characteristics and they remain unchanged whether the strength of the conflict is changed or not.
  2. Those individuals choosing the avoidance strategy have not changed it on different levels of conflict.
  3. While increasing the conflict level, the strategies are mostly changed by seeking social support.
  4. By those individuals who change the coping strategy according to variation of the conflict level increase of the strength of the conflict results in substitution of seeking social support by the avoidance strategy.

Georgian Journal of Psychology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 2001 - N 4 - in Georgian.

D. Parjanadze. Unconscious and Implicit Memory. Relationship between memory and unconscious is one of the most fascinating aspects of cognitive research. However it is only recently that memory investigators have truly appreciated the intimate connection between this two aspects of mental life. It was discovered that implicit memory vs. explicit memory means that a person's thought and behavior could be influenced by prior events of with the person was not aware. Along the history of psychological science there were different meanings of unconscious. In contrast to research of conscious (intentional) forms of memory, experimental research of memory began only at the last decade of XX century. To answer the question what meaning of unconscious fits to the concept of implicit memory in article is given review of different conceptions about unconscious except D. Uznadze's view given in his Theory. The letter needs a special consideration.

T. Abashidze. The Influence of Attitudes on Logical Reasoning. The influence of attitudes of logical thinking is studied experimentally. The method consisted of presenting a test of syllogistic problems which were judged for validity and truth. Half of the syllogisms concerned with controversial matters, and half of neutral nature. It was found that most subjects solve neutrally toned syllogisms more correctly than emotionally toned.In the case of emotional syllogisms, the tendency for emotional attitudes, evoked by the syllogistic content, to influence judgment is the reason for the high partiality in judgment. The attitude which the subject has toward the subject matter of his reasoning into harmony with his attitudes. This affective attitude is probably awaked simultaneously with the reading of the syllogism and is an affective factor before the subject proceeds to analyze the syllogism.

M. Robakhidze. Some Characteristic of Set Fixed trough the Different Channels. The formation of perceptional image is traditional subject in psychological research. The main aspects of this problem are mechanism of conversion of physical stimulation into perceptional information and the contribution of sensory and phenomenological factors of perception in formation of perceptual image. The investigation of perceptual illusions often helps psychologists solve this problem. Researching this issues psychologists face some difficulties concerning separation sensory effects from phenomenological ones. Experimental research presented in this article may be considered as an attempt to solve these difficulties by asking subjects to compare objects under conditions of divergence of sensory and phenomenological information on one hand and under conditions of their coincidence on other hand. The results are analyzed approaching Uznadze's Set Theory.

Sofhio Dolidze. For Issue of Self and Self-esteem in Cases of Apparent Physical Handicap. In the article there are discussed psychological phenomena related to Self, self-concept, self-schema, body image, self-perception, self-presentation, self-monitoring, self-improvement, relationship between body images and so on. On the basis of this discussion, it can be assumed that there exists a significant relation between self system and physical characteristics of a person. In particular it can be supposed that apparent physical handicap may have significant effects on developing of personality structures. Investigation of personal dimensions and factors of physically handicapped is a necessary condition for their psychological rehabilitation.

K. Chanturia, M. Katsman, N. Trupe. Eating Disorders in Georgian Population. Two hundred and ten women were recruited from various groups thought to be at increased risk of eating pathology. Based on a responses to the questionnaires, (Acculturation and Symptom meaning Questionnaire; Eating Attitude Test, Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh; The Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns) it was found that many as 5% may have clinically significant bulimia nervosa while 7% fell in the weight range for anorexia nervosa and 8% fell in weight range for obesity. More and more studies show that eating disorders are not entirely culture bound illnesses, although they may not be as this common in other countries as they are un the West. The results of study suggests that there may be women in Georgia with a significant eating problem and that there nay be a need for specialist services aimed with dealing with these Problems.

N. Kadjaia. Health and Gender. There is a good evidence that a personality is significantly, correlated with disease. Groups of people with all sorts of disease are more likely to be chronically hostile, depressed and anxious that healthy comparison groups. The consistency of an association between personality and diseases is remarkable. Many of the components of what is commonly referred to as "Gender" have the potential to affect health including physiological differences (e.g. hormonal differences) and differences in how men and women are socialized, which may affect behaviors related to health.

Georgian Journal of Psichology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 2002 - N 5 - in Georgian.

D. Parjanadze. Some Tendencies of German Psychology of the Tventies and D. Uznadzes Psychology of Set. The article concerns a sphere of history of psychology. It is aimed at representing some tendencies of German Psychology of twenties, namely the models of Youkskul and Lersh's functional circles and views on psyche in general, as these ideas might have influenced Uznadze's Theory While reviewing these models separate moments, sometimes have crucial character, can be vividly seen. These moments cause association of German psychological approach with the theory of set. These are: similarity of importance of need and a situation; idea of them being a whole; reality as a situation that satisfies an actual need, influences directly a life body as a whole and not separately its physical or psychical processes; reality is reflected subjectively and as a whole and this is a prerequisite, or a direction to a future behavior.

D. Gomarteli. What is Evolutional Psychology? The article focuses upon a new direction in psychology-evolutional psychology. Basic axiomatic resolutions and postulates of this direction were examined. Connection of evolutional psychology with biological sciences and its dependency upon them (evolutional biology, paleoanthropology, ethology, social biology) are demonstrated.The article also deals with those spheres of human behavior that clearly demonstrate the essence of evolutional biology, future prospects for its investigation.

N. Sumbadze, A. Kitiashvili. Students Attitudes toward Smoking. Study was aimed to examine Students attitude towards smoking, their smoking habit, knowledge about harmful effects of smoking, motivational factors and the image of a smoker. The results demonstrated the high proportion of smokers among students and early age of beginning of smoking. Father's smoking behavior and peers pressure proved to be the main determinants of smoking behavior. Smokers are better informed then non-smokers on harmful effects of smoking. Children's emotional reaction is linked more to the effect of smoking on appearance rather then on health. Therefore in planning preventive programs for youth, emphases should be made on more immediate, apparent and more important for the target group adverse effects as is appearance.

N. Javakhishvili. Social-psycological Characteristics of Religious Persons. (On example of baptism and Orthodox Christianity). The aim of the article was to empirically study different sociometric parameters that should belong to different confessions in the frames of one and the same religion-Christianity. The results have shown difference between Baptists and parish Christians on one side and Christians who do not attend church on the other. At the same time there are also differences found between Baptists and Christians. Namely, Baptists are more internal and tolerant then Christians.

N. Kajaia. Features of Self Identification and Their Location in Internal and External Environment. The aim of the study was to define features of selfidentity, ways of categorizing a persons identity characteristics, environmental location of an identity characteristics. The results were compared to the similar study by E. E. Sampson. While comparing our data with the results of E.E. Sampson's study, we concluded that in our culture persons (members of the family, friends) are always placed in internal environment and researched parameters in America sample are person's internal conditions, as a result of influence of individualistic culture. Our research shows data differentiation by age and sex factors.

D. Charkviani. Cognitive Determinants of Academic Motivation. Various components of expectancy conception were used to predict the motivation of students. The expectation model suggests that the intensity of motivation is related to the degree to which activity is seen as leading to some outcomes multiplicavely weighted by evaluation of these results. The current research provided some supports for expectancy model predictions of student's activity. The predictability of theory was increased by adding social-normative expectations variables.

Georgian Journal of Psichology. - Tbilisi: GCI - 2002 - N 6 - in Georgian.

Inasaridze K. Working memory and methods of its investigation. The article presents a review of the Baddeley's working memory model, proposed underlying neuroanatomic basis and related studies. Georgian versions of working memory tasks, widely used in the world, were prepared for the purpose of future adaptation to the Georgian population. New tasks based on the working memory functioning principles were created. Determining of age related criterias in performance of working memory tasks for normal population is underscored and the importance of identification of tasks, which can detect age related differences, is stressed. Tasks that were finally chosen and included in the Georgian working memory Battery reflect working of subsystems involved in Baddeley's working memory system.

Sumbadze N., Kitiashvili A. Pupils attitudes towards smoking. The study was aimed to examine pupils attitudes towards cigarette, smoking, smokers and nonsmokers as well as to define reasons for smoking. The attitudes were studied by using sentence completion method. The stimulus sentences were designed specially for the study eliciting three types of responses: image of the smokers, reasons for smoking and estimation of smoking and cigarettes. Results demonstrated that pupils have rather negative attitudes towards smoking and cigarette. In many cases statistically significant difference was found between female and male respondents and between smokers and non-smokers. Pleasure, imitation and desire to smoke among young and relaxation, desire and habit among the elder generation were named as the main reasons for smoking. The results pointed that although majority of smokers are aware of adverse effects of smoking on health, they are not either able or willing to quit smoking. Therefore more pressing is the need of taking administrative and legislative actions for preventing pupil from beginning to smoke or reducing the smoking.

Belkania N. The Forms of Social Communities and the Principles of Their Management. Three main forms of human communities and corresponding to them principles of management are discussed with the help of social-psychological analyses of cultural and historical development of mankind. The level of logical reasoning and self awareness of the members of social communities are taken as criteria for the development of these communities.

M. Mestvirishvili. Conceptions of overcoming. The term of overcoming in psychology was introduced by R.Lazarus, who defined it as the behavioral or cognitive efforts. Later many authors considered the phenomenon of overcoming and made its diverse interpretation. There is one general tendency according to which majority of authors make classification of strategy of the overcoming. This is a consideration of overcoming in the cognitive or behavioral terms. According to the Steptoe, cognitive or behavioral overcoming has two directions: it may be focused on the problem or emotion. The author distinguishes four strategies, which are similar to the strategies offered by J. Amirkhan and R.Lazarus. Familiarization with conception of overcoming of other authors enables us to expose strategies of similar directions and their further analysis.

N. Baramidze, N. Gvalia, C. Tugushi. The essence and dynamics of motivation of students of pedagogical faculties. Different methods were conducted the investigation of motivation of 297 students of pedagogical faculties in Batumi State University. It has been observed that the social problem plays the greatest role in the formation of learning motivation. The peculiarities of the transitional period of Georgia are also reflected in this process: no hope for finding a decent job, possible irrelevance between profession and future work, little chances of improving economic conditions, all these causes inadequate learning motivation.

